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          JRCERT’s Strategic Planning Vision From a Radiology Management Perspective

           Box                                               References
           JRCERT Strategic Plan                             1.  Essential guides to strategic planning. OnStrategy Web site.
           1.  Meet the accreditation needs of the profession, reflect the  -process-basics/. Accessed August 20, 2016.
             highest levels of volunteer and professional competency,
             and achieve excellence in the accreditation process:
             a.  Develop new tools that represent best practices
               for understanding how to achieve and maintain
             b. Develop a timely, efficient, and effective accreditation
             c.  Develop and expand the knowledge base of JRCERT staff
               through regular continuing education.
             d. Evaluate the accreditation standards to achieve
               commendable accreditation status.
             e.  Develop standards that reflect the mission and values of
               the JRCERT.
           2. Promote and assure an understanding of the value of the
             JRCERT accreditation process:
             a.  Pursue programmatic accreditation of all programs in the
               radiologic sciences.
             b. Gather information to be knowledgeable about state
               and federal regulations and to promote programmatic
               accreditation in all state regulations.

           3. Address the changing social, economic, and regulatory
             conditions affecting specialized accreditation:
             a.  Increase awareness of federal regulations that affect the
               JRCERT as an accreditor, and respond to the external
               environment to ensure continued success.
             b. Ensure the strategic plan allows for flexibility and ease of
               response to external pressures and changes.
           4. Allow JRCERT the opportunity to grow and maintain
             financial strength:
             a.  Explore cost-saving measures.
             b. Evaluate the efficiency of the current accreditation
               process (efficiency affects cost).
             c.  Enhance existing revenue streams.
             d. Explore new revenue stream opportunities.

            Jason Scott, MBA, R.T.(R)(MR), CRA, FAHRA, is
          chief patient experience officer and director of the imaging/
          pulmonary/neurodiagnostics/wound care department for
          Witham Health Services in Lebanon, Indiana. He also serves
          on the JRCERT board of directors. He can be contacted at

          200                                           RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, November/December 2016, Volume 88, Number 2
          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2019. All rights reserved.
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