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          unique qualities they desire the program’s graduates to   Box 1
          possess. Continuous quality improvement via assess-  Possible Statements for a Program to Consider
          ment is the only way to determine whether goals are   Clinical Competence
          being met, and if not, what changes should be made to   Our graduates:
          improve the program.
                                                                Are able to competently run a general radiography room.
          Desirable Skills, Attitudes, and Behaviors            Take quality general radiographs in multiple settings.
                                                                Select appropriate scans and protocols.
            Considering the 4 goal areas, there are many desirable
          skills, attitudes, and behaviors for the graduate. Box 1   Critical Thinking
          contains possible statements a program might consider   Our graduates:
          depending on its goals. These are not necessarily SLOs,     Adapt to new procedures, technologies, and situations.
          but merely statements a program might make regarding     Identify errors and can provide suggestions for correction.
          the characteristics graduates could demonstrate in rela-    Participate actively in quality assurance and safety
          tion to each goal. With further refinement, these state-  procedures.
          ments can become the basis for SLOs.                  Provide appropriate resources to meet patient needs.
            These statements are absent of any reference to   Professionalism
          scores or pass rates on the credentialing examination or   Our graduates:
          completion of specific classroom or laboratory assign-    Are reliable and ethical.
          ments. Although all graduates are expected to pass the     Participate in continuous learning.
          national credentialing exam, it is a minimum expecta-    Are actively involved in professional presentations at the
          tion and does not demonstrate a graduate’s ability to   local, state, and national levels.
          function with entry-level skills in the clinical setting.     Conduct research to expand knowledge of the profession.
          The JRCERT Standards require that programs collect     Have exemplary attitudes and behavior toward patients.
          and report credentialing examination pass rates as one
          measure to assure program effectiveness. With regard   Communication
          to specific classroom or laboratory assignments—    Our graduates:
          unless a program determines, for example, that it is     Use appropriate medical terminology.
          vital the graduate be skilled at presentations using     Appropriately discuss care strategies for adverse effects with
                                                                patients under treatment.
          PowerPoint software—developing and gathering data     Gather accurate patient histories.
          for this attribute provides less than meaningful assess-    Discuss procedures with patients in a manner appropriate
          ment data for the program.
                                                                to the patient’s age, gender, ethnicity, and general ability to
            To create differentiation, the program and the
          respective communities of interest should focus on
          a unique set of values that is well-integrated into     Professional activities.
          the curriculum. For example, a program might state      Adaptability.
          something similar to the following in reference to its     Community service.
                                                             Each value is well-communicated to students because
             In addition to meeting the learning outcomes, our   the topic is reinforced in almost every class and evalu-
             students will be identified by their demonstration of   ated throughout the program.
             excellence in regard to:
              Competence in addressing cultural diversity.  Putting It All Together
              Excellence in patient care.                      Once a program is clear on the skills, attitudes,
              Technical expertise.                          behaviors, and values associated with the ideal graduate,

          RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, July/August 2015, Volume 86, Number 6                                    679
          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2019. All rights reserved.
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