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J RCERT Update

            Leslie Winter on Her Role and the

            Challenges Facing Our Profession

                 eslie Winter, MS, R.T.(R),                      would need to develop the policy, review it with indepen­
                 is chief executive officer                      dent legal counsel, and then gain final approval from our
                 (CEO) for the Joint Review                      Board of Directors before implementing the policy.
           L Committee on Education                                 The JRCERT does a tremendous amount of consult­
           in Radiologic Technology                              ing throughout the d ay  via telephone and e-mail. I am also
           (JRCERT ). She recently was                           responsible for investigating complaints lodged against
           invited by the JRCERT Board of                        our programs. Internal issues are challenging, but I also
           Directors to respond to questions                     have to p ay  close attention to external factors such as the
           about the responsibilities of a                       activities of the U.S. Department of Education and the
           CEO, and offer her comments on                        Council for Higher Education Accreditation; these orga­
           the role of the JRCERT and the challenges facing radio­  nizations have a significant impact on the JRCERT's daily
           logic technology.                                     operations.

           � What is a typical day like at the JR CERT           � What are your primary responsibilities as
           �  office?                                            �  CEOoftheJRCERT?

           0 That's an interesting question because I do not     0 My primary responsibilities include:
                believe there is a "typical d " at the JRCERT. I      ■  Overseeing staff to ensure they have the tools
           alw s tell new employees that if they have a "to do" list    to perform the responsibilities of their respec-
           for the day, chances are that list will not get completed.   tive positions, and that they perform in a man­
           Many people find that type of work atmosphere very           ner consistent with the spirit of our mission.
           frustrating. I enjoy it because there are no 2 d s that are   ■ Ensuring that the JRCERT is compliant with
           exactly alike in the JRCERT office. A small office poses     federal and other regulatory requirements.
           many challenges for a CEO because you have limited         ■ Ensuring that the Board of Directors takes
           resources to depend on such as human resources, market­      accreditation actions consistent with all regula­
           ing, or a finance department. For example, if the JRCERT     tory requirements, and that its actions are con­
           needed to modify a personnel policy, there would be no       sistent with our mission.
           opportunity to walk down the hallw ay  to the human        ■ Fulfilling my fiduciary responsibilities to ensure
           resources department to ask for assistance. AB CEO, I        the organization remains financially stable.

           RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, November/December 2015, Volume 87, Number 2                                 213
           Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2019. All rights reserved.
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