Page 148 - JRCERT Update Articles
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J RCERT Update

            �  If I were a program director, what recom-
            �    mendations would you give for my program to
           achieve the maximum accreditation award?

            0  The JRCERT offers numerous resources to
                 ensure program directors are successful during
           the continuing accreditation process and that they have
           the tools needed to maintain academic excellence. The
           JRCERT Web site is an excellent tool and has an abun­
           dance of resources. On the Program & Faculty tab, you
           can find learning modules that range from developing
           an assessment plan to submitting an acceptable interim
           report. We are developing an Assessment Corner on
           the Web site that will contain additional assessment
           resources. The JRCERT's e-newsletter, Pulse, is another
           excellent resource for programs. Pulse is published after
           our Board of Directors' meetings in April and October.
           Attending a JRCERT Accreditation Seminar or an
           Outcomes Assessment Workshop is tremendously help­
           ful for program directors if their program is preparing
           for a self-study report or an interim report.

            �  Many government regulations apply to patient
            �    safety in radiology. What role does program­
           matic accreditation pl ay  with regard to patient

            0  Many government regulations affect patient
                 safety. The JRCERT is not only concerned about
           the optimal use of radiation, we also are committed to
           ensuring that the overall health and safety of patients
           and students is protected. It is critical that the JRCERT
           stay abreast of the ever-changing health care industry
           safety guidelines so that patient and student safety can
           be reflected appropriately throughout the JRCERT

           RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, November/December 2015, Volume 87, Number 2                                 215
           Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2019. All rights reserved.
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