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          How to Prepare for a Site Visit

          Lisa F Schmidt, PhD, R.T.(R)(M), CRT

                 his article offers advice and tips for prepar-  Drafting a Self-study
                 ing for a Joint Review Committee on            When drafting a self-study, it is paramount to review
                 Education in Radiologic Technology          the JRCERT Standards, including all corresponding
          T(JRCERT) site visit, including drafting and       objectives, JRCERT resources, and any exhibits to be
          submitting the self-study narrative and supporting   submitted in support of the narrative. The primary
          documentation, responding to requests for additional   goal is to provide a well-rounded vision of the program
          information, and preparing the campus administra-  through narrative and documentation to the JRCERT
          tion, program faculty, and students for the site visit.   staff and the site visit team so they can discern elements
          Site visitor considerations also will be discussed,   of the program before the site visit begins.
          along with ideas and suggestions to ensure a smooth   The self-study narrative should be clear, grammati-
          and successful site visit.                         cally correct, concise, and supported by documentation
                                                             that helps to create a vision for the site visit team, giving
          Greetings Letter                                   them a comprehensive idea of how the program oper-
            The site visit process starts with the greetings letter   ates. Supporting documentation can include:
          from the JRCERT to the program director that pro-        ƒ meeting minutes (eg, program, faculty, advisory,
          vides important details such as the:                    assessment)
                ƒ submission due date for the self-study report    ƒ student, faculty, and clinical handbooks
               and supporting documentation via the JRCERT         ƒ college catalogs
               Accreditation Management System portal              ƒ website links to the institution and program infor-
                ƒ link to the JRCERT website for information on   mation
               using the portal system                             ƒ course syllabi, policies, procedures, and student
                ƒ information related to associated expenditures  signature pages
               (eg, lodging and transportation needs of the site    ƒ student class and clinical schedules
               visit team)                                         ƒ repeat logs and examination logs
          Program directors should visit the portal to review their     ƒ recordkeeping systems, including online formats
          clinical setting and program information—includ-        (eg, Trajecsys’ cloud-based solutions)
          ing the list of active clinical instructors and the active     ƒ course and grading systems
          and distance education clinical sites—and make any       ƒ assessment plan and measurement tools
          updates before the site visit to ensure the most cur-  Responding to the objectives requires the narra-
          rent information is available. Having correct and easily   tive to be well-defined and factual. In other words, the
          assessable information aids the site visit team and helps   narrative states what the program is doing, and docu-
          ensure a smooth visit. After review of the program   mentation substantiates the narrative and supports the
          information, including faculty, active clinical settings,   response. For example, Standard 4, Objective 4.6 in the
          and currently enrolled students, the task of drafting the   radiography standards, states : “The program assures
          self-study begins.                                 that students are directly supervised by a qualified

          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2019. All rights reserved.
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