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          Developing Classroom and Program

          Assessment Rubrics

          Lisa F Schmidt, PhD, R.T.(R)(M), CRT(R)

                 adiologic technology educational programs in   the performances students should be able to accomplish
                 the 21st century have shifted from delivering   during specified tasks including :
                 course material in a traditional in-person        ƒ critical-thinking exercises
         Rmanner to a hybrid manner that consists of               ƒ engagement in group projects
          in-person and online instruction. Some programs have     ƒ responses to discussion board posts
          implemented an entirely online didactic curriculum       ƒ presentation of research topics
          and simulated clinical training to supplement the live     ƒ written reflective papers
          clinical environment. Regardless of the style and     In addition, understanding when rubrics should be
          means of delivery, educational programs must strive to   applied is important. For example, rubrics can be used :
          promote and improve the learning and performance of      ƒ as an objective tool to provide consistent and
          their students. Improving student learning requires     timely grades on student assignments, which
          faculty to provide students with effective feedback on   expedites the grading process and can assist
          their performance in the didactic and clinical training   instructors with correcting and grading numerous
          components while simultaneously assessing student       student papers in a short period
          learning. Moreover, as stated in the Joint Review        ƒ to identify when instructions were unclear and
          Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology         students did not understand the assignment, and
          2021 Standards for an Accredited Educational            also to provide explanation as to why students
          Program—Standard 6, Objectives 6.3 and 6.4—             failed to complete the assignment properly and
          programs are required to strive for quality improve-    subsequently received poor scores
          ment, assess program effectiveness, and assess student     ƒ when frequent deficits are present in student
          learning.  These factors can be accomplished by apply-  learning that require the instructor to respond
          ing rubrics, which are considered templates for a stan-  with repetitive comments on each student paper
          dard of quality.                                        despite submission quality variations
                                                                Most educators agree that rubrics accelerate the
          Definitions and Applications of Rubrics            process of grading and help students feel that the grad-
            Rubrics add reliability, validity, and transparency   ing process is fair. In addition, rubrics can help students
          to assessments; decrease subjectivity in evaluations;   understand what is expected of them and how they
          and are used in student learning assignments such as   can improve the quality of their work, which also can
          descriptive writings, course projects, and oral presenta-  improve their learning and comprehension. 3
          tions.  According to Chowdbury, a rubric is a scoring   The 2 types of rubrics are holistic and analytical.
          mechanism or tool that conveys the expectations of a   The holistic rubric evaluates the aspects of a project
          particular task or assignment across 3 to 5 levels of per-  as an entity, whereas the analytical rubric evaluates
          formance. A score of 3 indicates that the student must   each component.  With the holistic rubric, all dimen-
          improve; conversely, a score of 5 indicates the student   sions or criterion are evaluated simultaneously; with
          met the criteria in that rubric scoring category.  Rubrics   the analytical rubric, each dimension or criterion of
          are used to convey instructional goals and objectives for   the assignment is reviewed and individual scores are

          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2019. All rights reserved.
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