Page 35 - JRCERT Update Articles
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          makers help create access for minorities. They are more   shared decision making and an inclusive environment
          likely to practice in underserved communities, treat   lead to positive outcomes in health care organiza-
          more patients regardless of their income, and provide   tions, improved job performance and job satisfaction,
          care to low-income and uninsured patients.  In research   increased loyalty to the workplace, and an enhanced
          areas, investigators tend to choose topics that interest   sense of well-being.  Research has shown that high-
          them and issues related to their community; therefore,   quality care is delivered in organizations that employ
          diverse researchers are needed to choose research topics   and appreciate health care workers who are diverse and
          related to problems associated with underserved patient   have a better understanding of patients’ perspectives.
          populations.  They can attract more diverse research   In addition, higher patient satisfaction and compliance
          study participants because minority groups trust health   were reported in organizations that employed diverse
          care providers and researchers who look like them.   health care teams. Other positive outcomes included :
          Lastly, diverse health care leaders and policy makers are     ƒ enhanced communication
          required to influence important health care policies,     ƒ higher engagement
          especially those related to patients from underserved     ƒ decreased job burnout
          populations. 3                                           ƒ improved morale
                                                                   ƒ decreased conflict
          Creating a Diverse, Equitable, and                       ƒ enhanced well-being
          Inclusive Workplace                                Professional development opportunities and DEI train-
            Creating a diverse health care environment where   ing provide support, mentoring, and lifelong learning
          everyone feels safe and included requires ongoing edu-  for health care workers, enhancing their performance
          cation in the workplace, promoting a culture focused   when they interact with patients and colleagues from
          on DEI, and supporting employees with cultural     minority and underserved populations. 4
          competence. Furthermore, DEI efforts should start in   Filling health care and leadership positions with
          the educational system by developing a diverse group   diverse individuals requires the educational system
          of students who can obtain the knowledge and skills   to admit and train a diverse group of students. Health
          needed to fill these positions. This requires recruiting,   science programs should have nondiscriminatory
          hiring, and retaining diverse faculty as well as students.  practices for recruiting and employing faculty as well
            Morrison et al described 6 standards that are essen-  as recruiting and admitting students. This is exempli-
          tial to creating a workplace environment that promotes   fied in the Joint Review Committee on Education
          DEI :                                              in Radiologic Technology standards, specifically
                ƒ leadership                                 Standard One, Objective 1.1 of the 2021 Standards
                ƒ professional development                   for an Accredited Educational Program.  Leaders in
                ƒ quality                                    higher education should promote DEI in health care
                ƒ shared decision-making                     through programmatic changes in curricula. This can
                ƒ safety                                     be accomplished through required courses on cultural
                ƒ well-being                                 diversity and health care disparities, documentation
            Promoting DEI in an organization requires the sup-  of students’ caring for a diverse patient population and
          port of the executive leaders in recruitment, retention,   their competency in respecting and communicating
          professional development, and support of employees   with them, activities that enhance students’ interdis-
          from minority groups.  Leaders should create a safe   ciplinary education, and research activities in the area
          environment so that all employees feel included, valued,   of DEI. Organizations should incorporate DEI in their
          engaged, and heard, which results in better relation-  mission, vision, and goals, thus driving DEI initiatives
          ships, motivation, job performance, and commitment. A   throughout their organizational strategies. These strate-
          culture of shared decision making and interprofessional   gies should support underrepresented groups and all
          collaboration enhances feelings of safety. In addition,   students financially, academically, and socially through

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