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            Before entering these programs, the courses they       ƒ study skills that emphasize the need to be able to
          took, from elementary school through their current      retrieve previously learned facts in any course
          academic accomplishments, were presented in isola-       ƒ time management strategies that focus on the
          tion and not in collaboration with one another. Math,   time needed to practice and become proficient in
          English, history, social studies, and science are subjects   required skills in the laboratory
          independent of one another and when completed at         ƒ test-taking strategies
          the end of the semester, are rarely referenced in future   Second-semester attrition for academic failure is a
          semesters or courses. Students in a radiologic science   good indicator that the student has not developed the
          program are, therefore, challenged with a need to study   ability to retrieve and apply knowledge from previous
          to remember and retrieve information at any point in   course work, including clinical skills. A review of their
          the curriculum as well as to perform the skills associat-  exams, focusing on the location of the missed questions
          ed with the acquired knowledge. Students are required   (ie, item analysis), can facilitate identification of the
          to apply the newly acquired information and not just   students’ problem or problems. Missed questions scat-
          memorize it for an exam before it is quickly forgotten.  tered throughout the exam, for example, might indicate
            Performance of the required skills and the time it   a general lack of knowledge of the material covered
          takes to gain proficiency in that performance is a sec-  in that exam. A large portion of the first 10 questions
          ond component affecting academic success. Radiologic   missed might indicate test anxiety, which creates a
          science students initially might not realize that a large   surge in adrenalin and decreased attention to detail. A
          portion of their studying will be in the form of practic-  large portion of the last 10 questions missed might indi-
          ing in the laboratory setting, which requires them to be   cate test fatigue, caused by a drop in adrenalin. Clinical
          on campus for more time than anticipated. Time man-  laboratory skills that were demonstrated in a previous
          agement skills are essential because opening a book to   semester but not practiced might lead to clinical failure
          study can occur anywhere and anytime, but practicing   from diminished skills.
          clinical skills might be done only in a laboratory setting
          when the area is open and available. This added campus   Conclusion
          study time might cause issues in their personal life.  Collecting and analyzing data regarding the
            Although attrition can and does happen throughout   completion rate of a radiologic science program is 1
          a program, loss of students late in a radiologic science   requirement of JRCERT Standards. Identifying when
          program usually is caused by reasons other than aca-  attrition happens during a program is key to determin-
          demic failure. Tracking per semester attrition on an   ing which intervention will be the most effective. Loss
          annual or cohort basis will help identify root causes.   of students in the first semester for academic failure
          Identification of a particular course or instructor might   should direct attention to the program admission cri-
          surface when examined over multiple years and illicit a   teria and the orientation process. A class review of the
          specific and focused intervention, from faculty mentor-  initial exam will help to address any misunderstand-
          ing to course content modification. If the reason for   ings or misreading errors. A more thorough individual
          attrition is nonacademic, the faculty member could use   test review might be indicated for a student who is
          the support services provided by the sponsoring institu-  struggling. Second semester academic failures iden-
          tion, or refer to other local resources.           tify a weakness in a student’s ability to retrieve and
            High first-semester attrition would indicate a need   apply previous information with the recently acquired
          for further evaluation of the program’s screening and   knowledge and skills. Academic failures in subsequent
          admission process.  The addition of an orientation ses-  semesters are fewer and usually have an outside cause
          sion for accepted students should occur before the onset   (eg, family, health, or finances), or perhaps the stu-
          of the program. The session would address:         dents were marginally passing in preceding semesters.
                ƒ professional expectations in the classroom and   Students leaving the program at any point for reasons
               clinical areas                                other than academic failure need to be assessed on an

          RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, January/February 2020, Volume 91, Number 3                               309
          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2019. All rights reserved.
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