Page 66 - JRCERT Update Articles
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          directors or curriculum designers to understand how   OLC scorecard, Institutional/Administration, ensures
          to meet the standards for best practices in online radio-  program leadership create policies and procedures that
          logic technology programs.  The OLC scorecard has   are related to the institution’s strategic plan and are avail-
          been evaluated to confirm that it aligns with regional   able to all stakeholders. Similarly, JRCERT promotes
          standards for administering online programs.  The   transparency, requiring programs to make policy or
          OLC also developed a scorecard for evaluating blended   program changes known to all students, faculty, and the
          courses. For additional information and assistance,   public in a timely fashion. In addition, the Institutional/
          institutions can apply for OLC membership, which   Administration category on the OLC scorecard asks
          allows them access to the OLC interactive dashboard.   program developers to verify the confidentiality pro-
          Membership also provides institutions the opportunity   cess, which ensures that students who register for a
          to receive OLC review and possibly earn the Online   course are those who complete assignments and receive
          Quality logo for their websites. 1                 credit.  Similarly, JRCERT requires that tools, such as
                                                             secure logins, passcodes, proctored exams, and other
          OSCQR Scorecard                                    technologies, are used in online learning to protect the
            Similar to the OLC scorecard, the OSCQR score-   confidentiality of student information. 12
          card was created to aid institutions in developing online
          courses.  The scorecard, specifically designed for   Standard Two
          course-level student learning outcomes, can be used   Standard Two addresses institutional commitment
          during course development and can be used as a quality   and resources. The OLC scorecard also addresses
          check that guides course developers or faculty in deter-  financial resources and technical support. The OLC
          mining whether essential elements of a well-designed   scorecard suggests that online programs follow the
          online course are present. The scorecard was developed   information technology service management standards,
          with faculty buy-in and American Disabilities Act   which include power protection, backup solutions, and
          compliance at Open State University of New York.  In   recovery backup plans.  The resources available should
          November 2016, Open State University of New York   be consistent to those offered to students enrolled in a
          and OLC formed a partnership, and OLC adopted      traditional classroom setting.
          the OSCQR rubric, which enabled them to share the
          OSCQR rubric with the broader OLC community and    Standard Three
          to partner with them on the next generation of the digi-  Standard Three addresses adequate and qualified
          tally interactive OSCQR rubric and dashboard. 11   faculty. According to JRCERT Standards, faculty must
                                                             possess the academic and professional qualifications
          The 2021 JRCERT Standards                          appropriate for their assignments, which includes faculty
            Institutions can ensure quality online radiologic sci-  support and ongoing professional development related
          ence programs by using the OLC scorecard as a guide   to online teaching and learning.  Faculty support also
          during program phase and then by evaluating the pro-  is listed on the OLC scorecard. Institutions should pro-
          grams using the 2021 JRCERT Standards and the OLC   vide training and support to faculty who develop online
          scorecard for online program effectiveness.  Five of the   programs and courses. The lack of knowledge related
          6 2021 JRCERT standards are applicable to distance   to appropriate online teaching models has been noted
          education components of the program’s curriculum;   as a weakness for many faculty teaching in the online
          Standard Five is not relevant to distance education and   environment.  Faculty development greatly improves
          will not be discussed.                             instructor confidence and online program quality.
          Standard One                                       Standard Four
            Standard One focuses on accountability, fair prac-  Standard Four evaluates curriculum and aca-
          tices, and public information.  The first category of the   demic practices.  Instruction and student learning
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