Page 27 - Radiography Flipbook
P. 27

Standard Three: Faculty and Staff

         3.4   The sponsoring institution and program assure program faculty
                performance is evaluated and results are shared regularly to assure
                responsibilities are performed.


         Evaluating program faculty, including but not limited to program directors and clinical coordinators,
         assures that responsibilities are performed, promotes proper teaching methodology, and increases
         program effectiveness.  The performance of program faculty must be evaluated and shared minimally
         once per year.  Any evaluation results that identify concerns must be discussed with the respective
         individual(s) as soon as possible.
         It is the prerogative of the program to evaluate the performance of clinical preceptors who are
         employees of clinical settings.  If the program elects to evaluate the clinical preceptors, a description of
         the evaluation process should be provided to the clinical preceptors, along with the mechanism to
         incorporate feedback into professional growth and development.

         Required Program Response:

             •  Describe the evaluation process.
             •  Describe how evaluation results are shared with program faculty.
             •  Describe how evaluation results are shared with clinical preceptors, if applicable.

             •  Provide samples of evaluations of program faculty.
             •  Provide samples of evaluations of clinical preceptors, if applicable.

         Possible Site Visitor Evaluation Methods:

             •  Review of program evaluation materials
             •  Review of faculty evaluation(s)

             •  Review of clinical preceptor evaluation(s), if applicable
             •  Interviews with institutional administration
             •  Interviews with faculty
             •  Interviews with clinical preceptor(s), if applicable
             •  Interviews with students
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