Page 82 - Magnetic Resonance Flipbook
P. 82

*Patient Care and MRI  I/R         I/R            R               R                R            R

       ^Clinical Aspects of   R         R              R               R                R            R

                            M           M              M               M                M            M, D, S (Lab
       ^MR Procedures II                                                                             Practical

      ^Advanced Sectional   M           M                                               M            M
          Anatomy II

                            M, D, S     M, D, S        M, D, S (Clinical  M, D, S Clinical   M       M, D, S
                            (Clinical   (Clinical      Affective       Affective                     (Clinical
          #Clinical III     Affective   Affective      Evaluation Q9)  Evaluation Q2)                Maintenance
                            Evaluation   Evaluation                                                  Form Q7)
                            Q8)         Q10)

                         I= Introduced                 *Orange= First Year Courses
                         R= Reinforced
                         M= Mastery (Competency)       ^Green= Second Year Courses

                         F= Formative Assessment       #Blue= Clinical Courses
                         S= Summative Assessment

                         D= Direct Measure
                         IN= Indirect Measure

                         Note: Blank cells indicate the SLO is not addressed in that particular course.

        Click HERE for a blank template.
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