Page 79 - Magnetic Resonance Flipbook
P. 79

VII.   Assessment Process              The assessment plan results and analysis were presented to the Advisory Committee
                                                 and the following comments were noted:

              In support of Objective 6.4:  The   Clinical Competence – The benchmarks for clinical competence (apply magnetic
              meeting minutes in this section    field safety measures, obtain MR images of acceptable diagnostic quality) were met.
              provide excellent documentation that   It was noted that the Clinical Preceptors and Medical Director feel that the students
              the program and its communities of   are producing quality images.  Their confidence levels seem to be higher than in the
              interest have reviewed outcomes data.   past two classes.  This is consistent with the assessment results which have
              As mentioned in the opening        increased again for the past two years.  It was also brought to the Committee’s
              sentence, the program has already   attention that the student to faculty lab ratio was reduced this year (6:1).  This was
              analyzed all actual outcome data and   difficult for the administration to approve because the laboratory teaching load had
              has that documented on another     to be increased.  However, the early assessment results, student feedback, and
              document. Additionally, the minutes   clinical feedback indicate that this lower ratio appears to provide students with
              indicate that the program will     increased skills. Tom E. Dison indicated that the 12:1 ratio in his cohort did not
              implement some changes in their plan   allow enough time for independent practice with a lab instructor.  The program will
              and will continue to monitor unmet   continue to monitor the skills in relation to the new ratio and resulting student
              benchmarks.                        improvement.

              The program has also provided a    Communication Skills – The benchmarks for communication skills, both oral and
              narrative that describes the various   written, were also met for this reporting period.  From the comments noted above, it
              factors that have contributed to a met   appears that students are doing well with communicating with patients.  Ms. Queue
              benchmark for the communication    implemented a new assignment in the Patient Care course that requires students to
              goal.                              explain examination to a variety of patients (pediatrics, hearing impaired patients,
                                                 adult patients with and without medical backgrounds, etc.). Data will continue to be
              For unmet benchmarks in the critical   collected for this measure to determine its effectiveness. Although the
              thinking goal, the Committee has   communication scores have been acceptable, it was decided to improve students
              begun to outline a plan to increase the   skills in obtaining patient histories. An additional SLO was developed to measure
              benchmarks in the future and to assure   this particular skill set and obtain quantitative data. The additional SLO reads,
              that current students are afforded the   “Students will obtain appropriate patient histories during clinical rotations.” The
              opportunity to improve also.       measurement tool will be Question 2 on the Affective Behavior Clinical Form and
                                                 will be collected semesters II and V by the Clinical Preceptors. The benchmark will
              This is a good example of a met    be set at 80% and reviewed again after data has been collected and trends analyzed.
              benchmark; however, the Committee
              agreed that a change was needed to   Critical Thinking – The benchmark for the student learning outcome, “Adapt MR
              assure that student learning was the   procedures for non-routine situations,” was not met.  It appears that students are
              focus.                             intimidated with non-routine exams.  These concepts and laboratory assignments
                                                 occur in MR Procedures I; however, the students may need additional practice to
                                                 feel comfortable.  The faculty will review the laboratory assignments and talk with
                                                 the students to see what additional practice may be warranted. This is the first time
                                                 this benchmark has not been met; however, with the curricular changes over the past
                                                 two years, there is a greater emphasis on higher order (cognitive and psychomotor)

                                                 The benchmark for the student learning outcome, “Critique images for diagnostic
                                                 quality.” was met; however, we would like to see a marked increase in the actual
                                                 results.  Mr. Piper suggested having second-year students give image critique
                                                 presentations to first-year students.  The Clinical Preceptors will continue to apprise
                                                 the program of the students’ ability in this area. The faculty will be surveying other
                                                 programs and researching other methods for improving this benchmark.

                                                 Professional Growth and Development – Both benchmarks were met.  There is
                                                 some concern that one of the student learning outcomes (SLO) is not a good
                                                 measure of professional growth and development.  The Committee reviewed the
                                                 SLO and felt that “Students will attend a professional meeting” really does not
                                                 reflect assessment of professional growth and development.  Additionally, the
                                                 faculty felt that simply assessing attendance does not indicate any type of learning.
                                                 The SLO will be revised in the next cycle to evaluate – “Students will employ
                                                 ethical behaviors in the clinical settings”. Question 5 on the Affective Behavior
                                                 Clinical Form and the rubric for case studies completed in Semester II will be used
                                                 to measure the SLO.
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