Page 47 - Medical Dosimetry Flipbook
P. 47

Standard Five: Health and Safety

         5.2    The program assures that students employ proper safety practices.

         The program must assure that students are instructed in the utilization of simulation and treatment
         equipment and accessories to minimize radiation exposure to patients, selves, and others. These
         practices assure radiation exposures are kept as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA).

         Students must understand basic safety practices prior to assignment to clinical settings. As students
         progress in the program, they must become increasingly proficient in the application of radiation safety
         practices. Programs must establish a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) safety screening protocol and
         students must complete MRI orientation and screening which reflect current American College of
         Radiology (ACR) MR safety guidelines for students having access to the MR environment, if applicable.
         This assures that students are appropriately screened for magnetic field or radiofrequency hazards.
         Policies should reflect that students are mandated to notify the program should their status change.

         Required Program Response:

            •  Describe how the curriculum sequence and content prepares students for safe radiation
            •  Describe how the program prepares students for magnetic resonance safe practices.

            •  Provide the curriculum sequence.
            •  Provide policies/procedures regarding radiation safety.

            •  Provide MR safety screening protocol and screening tool, if applicable.

         Possible Site Visitor Evaluation Methods:
            •  Review of program curriculum
            •  Review of radiation safety policies/procedures

            •  Review of magnetic resonance safe practice and/or screening protocol
            •  Review of student handbook
            •  Review of student records
            •  Review of student dosimetry reports
            •  Interviews with faculty
            •  Interviews with clinical preceptor(s)
            •  Interviews with clinical staff

            •  Interviews with students
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