Page 49 - Medical Dosimetry Flipbook
P. 49

Standard Five: Health and Safety

         5.4    The program assures that direct patient contact procedures (e.g.,
         simulation, fabrication of immobilization devices, etc.) are performed under the
         direct supervision of a credentialed practitioner.


         Direct supervision assures patient safety and proper educational practice. All patient contact procedures
         require direct supervision. The program must develop and publish its direct supervision policy that
         clearly delineates the expectations of students, clinical preceptors, and clinical staff.

         The JRCERT defines direct supervision as student supervision by a credentialed practitioner who:
            •  reviews the procedure in relation to the student’s achievement,

            •  evaluates the condition of the patient in relation to the student’s knowledge,

            •  is physically present during the conduct of the procedure, and
            •  reviews and approves the procedure.

         Required Program Response:

            •  Describe how the direct supervision policy for simulation, fabrication immobilization devices, etc.,
                is made known to students, clinical preceptors, and clinical staff.

            •  Describe how the direct supervision policy is enforced and monitored in the clinical practice
            •  Provide the direct supervision policy.

            •  Provide documentation that the direct supervision requirement for simulation, fabrication
                immobilization devices, etc., is made known to students, clinical preceptors, and clinical staff.

         Possible Site Visitor Evaluation Methods:

            •  Review of published program materials
            •  Review of student records
            •  Review of meeting minutes
            •  Interviews with faculty
            •  Interviews with clinical preceptor(s)
            •  Interviews with clinical staff

            •  Interviews with students
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