Page 54 - Medical Dosimetry Flipbook
P. 54

Standard Six: Programmatic Effectiveness and Assessment:

                                  Using Data for Sustained Improvement

                    6.1    The program maintains the following program effectiveness data:

                           •  Five-year average credentialing examination pass rate of not less than
                               75 percent at first attempt within the next testing cycle after graduation,

                           •  Five-year average job placement rate of not less than 75 percent within
                               twelve months of graduation, and

                           •  Annual program completion rate.

                    Program effectiveness outcomes focus on issues pertaining to the overall curriculum such as admissions,
                    retention, completion, credentialing examination performance, and job placement.

                    The JRCERT has developed the following definitions and criteria related to program effectiveness

                           Credentialing examination pass rate:  The number of graduates who pass, on first attempt, the
                           Medical Dosimetrist Certification Board (MDCB) certification examination, or an unrestricted state
                           licensing examination, compared with the number of graduates who take the examination within
                           the next testing cycle after graduation.

                           Job placement rate:  The number of graduates employed in the radiologic sciences compared
                           to the number of graduates actively seeking employment in the radiologic sciences.  The JRCERT
                           has defined not actively seeking employment as: 1) graduate fails to communicate with program
                           officials regarding employment status after multiple attempts, 2) graduate is unwilling to seek
                           employment that requires relocation, 3) graduate is unwilling to accept employment, for
                           example, due to salary or hours, 4) graduate is on active military duty, and/or 5) graduate is
                           continuing education.

                           Program completion rate:  The number of students who complete the program within the
                           stated program length.  The program specifies the entry point (e.g., required orientation date,
                           final drop/add date, final date to drop with 100% tuition refund, official class roster date, etc.)
                           used in calculating the program’s completion rate.  When calculating the total number of
                           students enrolled in the program (denominator), programs need not consider students who
                           attrite due to nonacademic reasons such as: 1) financial, medical/mental health, or family
                           reasons, 2) military deployment, 3) a change in major/course of study, and/or 4) other reasons an
                           institution may classify as a nonacademic withdrawal.

                    Credentialing examination, job placement, and program completion data must be reported annually via
                    the JRCERT Annual Report.

                    No Required Program Response.

                    Possible Site Visitor Evaluation Methods:

                       •  Review of program effectiveness data
                       •  Interviews with faculty
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