Page 74 - Medical Dosimetry Flipbook
P. 74

Analysis – To include key findings, 3-5 year trending comparisons, steps to take to enhance student learning:
         Critical Thinking Goal, SLO 1:  It is noted that the correction for treatment error data was slightly lower this
         year.  It could be an anomaly; however, a new faculty member was recently hired and they implemented
         changes to the evaluation criteria. The slight decrease could be a result of students adjusting to the change in
         methods.  The discussion also included concerns that these students seemed a little more unsure of the overall
         process in determining dose errors.
         SLO 2:  The second-year students were at benchmark.  It is interesting to note that the first-year students
         exceeded expectations in this area while the second-year students were at benchmark.  Feedback from the
         students and input from the clinical preceptors indicate that providing a more comprehensive approach across
         various platforms in the first-year may yield better results the second-year.

         Action Plan based on Analysis:
         SLO 1:  Based on the discussion points, we will add more treatment correction exercises so every student has
         more experience and then reassess next year.
         SLO 2:  We will implement an optimal treatment strategies lecture in the laboratory.  It will include instructor
         presentations along with student exercises.  In addition, the students will be required to successfully complete
         optimal dose distributions across several platforms as part of the laboratory grade.  The faculty will review
         the critiques with the students based on the optimal treatment strategies rubric to ensure all students
         understand the required expectations.  We will reassess the changes and the impact on the students’ skill

         Results/Improvement(s) noted based on the action plans that were implemented:
         SLO 1:  Based on feedback from the students and the clinical preceptors, the additional extra practice time
         seemed to improve the students’ confidence levels and there was a noticed improvement in their critical
         thinking skills.  We will continue to keep the extra practice time since there was such a noticeable
         SLO 2:  There has been a slight improvement in this area with the students.  However, it did not have the
         impact that was hoped for.  We will consider additional methods for improving student skills in this area.
         One idea that came from our discussions with the advisory board members was to have the second-year
         students give presentations on achieving optimal treatment strategies to the first-year students.  It may benefit
         them and lead to greater understanding if they have to lead the instruction/teach it.  We will implement this in
         2022 and reassess its impact.

         Re-evaluation Date:  Fall 2023 at the next assessment committee meeting.

         Click HERE for a blank template.
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