Page 78 - Medical Dosimetry Flipbook
P. 78

Institution Name: TeachItRight College

        Program Type: Medical Dosimetry

        Degree Type:   Master Degree
                                                 Program Effectiveness Data

        The   following is the most current program effectiveness data. Our programmatic accreditation agency, the Joint Review Committee on

        Education in   Radiologic Technology (JRCERT), defines and publishes this information.    Click here to go directly to the JRCERT

               Credentialing   Examination: The number of students who pass, on the first attempt, the Medical Dosimetrist Certification

               Board   (MDCB) certification examination, or an unrestricted state licensing examination, compared with the number of

               graduates   who take the examination within the next testing cycle after graduation.    The five-year average benchmark

               established   by the JRCERT is 75%.

                                                                                  attempt divided by number
                      Credentialing Examination Rate             number   passed on 1 st
                                                                            within 12 months of graduation
                                     Year                                       Results
                                Year 1 –   2015                             18   of 20 – 90%

                                Year 2 –   2016                             24   of 25 – 96%
                                Year 3 –   2017                             21 of 23     91%
                                Year 4 –   2018                             21 of 22 –   95%
                                Year 5 –   2019                            22 of 22 –   100%
                         Program 5-Year Average                          106 of 112     94.6%
               Job   Placement: The number of graduates employed in the radiologic sciences compared to the number of graduates actively

               seeking employment   in the radiologic sciences within twelve months of graduating.    The five-year average benchmark

               established   by the JRCERT is 75%.

                                                                         employed divided by number actively

                             Job Placement Rate                seeking employment   within 12 months of graduation

                                     Year                                       Results
                                Year 1 –   2015                            17 of 19 –   89%
                                Year 2 –   2016                            24 of 25 –   96%
                                Year 3 –   2017                            23 of 23 –   100%
                                Year 4 –   2018                            20 of 22 –   91%
                                Year 5 –   2019                            21 of 21 –   100%
                         Program 5-Year Average                          105 of 110     95.5%
               Program   Completion: The number of students who complete the program within the stated program length.    The annual

               benchmark established by   the program is 80%.

                         Program Completion Rate                 number   graduated divided by number started the
                                     Year                                       Results
                                Year 1 -  2019                                  20 of 22
                         Annual Completion Rate                                 90.9%
   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83