Page 38 - Medical Dosimetry Flipbook
P. 38

Standard Four: Curriculum and Academic Practices

                    4.5   The program provides learning opportunities in advanced and/or
                           therapeutic technologies.


                    The program must provide learning opportunities in advanced and/or therapeutic technologies. It is the
                    program’s prerogative to decide which advanced and/or therapeutic technologies should be included in
                    the didactic and/or clinical curriculum.

                    Programs are not required to offer clinical rotations in advanced and/or therapeutic technologies;
                    however, these clinical rotations are strongly encouraged to enhance student learning.

                    Required Program Response:

                       •  Describe how the program provides opportunities in advanced and/or therapeutic technologies
                           in the didactic and/or clinical curriculum.

                    Possible Site Visitor Evaluation Methods:

                       •  Review of clinical rotation schedules, if applicable
                       •  Interviews with faculty
                       •  Interviews with students

                    Image courtesy AAMD.
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