Page 79 - Medical Dosimetry Flipbook
P. 79

MR Safety Screening Protocol Information

               Programs must establish a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) safety screening protocol and students
               must complete MRI Orientation and screening which reflect current ACR MR Safety Guidelines prior to
               the clinical experience.
               The referencing of the ACR MR guidelines does not require the use of the document in its entirety; rather
               the portion of the document including but not limited to screening, safety and implants, devices, and
               objects to assure that students are appropriately screened for magnetic field or radiofrequency hazards.
               Many programs modify the patient and/or employee screening form to suit the needs of the student.

               Program policies accompanied by appropriate MR safety orientation/information along with completed
               student screening forms prior to the first clinical rotation is one method to assure that students have
               been apprised of proper safety practices.

               The following links contain safety screening forms and videos on MRI safety.  Please note that these
               websites are merely resources to be used for guidance in meeting Standard Five, Objective 5.2.


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