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P. 75

Sample Meeting Minutes

                                         Program Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes
                                                   January 19, 2023
                                                                                                                                 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm

                     Willy Roentgen, Dean         Bebe LeFlour, Clinical Preceptor Presbyterian Hospital West
              Winnie Fred, Program Director       Cocoa Puff, Clinical Preceptor General Hospital
              Suzie Queue, Clinical Coordinator     Zelda Zoo, Clinical Preceptor Park West Hospital
              Tommy E. Dison, Radiography Faculty    Lucy Lou Leggette, Clinical Preceptor JRC Community Hospital
              Marie Curry, Nursing Faculty        Pete Piper, Clinical Preceptor Methodist Hospital
              Nels Bohr, Admissions Counselor Medical Dosimetry Program
                     L.B. FooFoo, Clinical Preceptor Edmundson General Hospital
                     Betty Boope, General Education Department
                     Cardi O. Logist, Clinical Preceptor Park West Imaging Center
              Dr. Stephanie York, Oncologist, St. Mary’s Hospital
                     Ali J. Baba, Graduate
              George Costanzani, 2  Year Student Representative
                     Georgia Jefferson, 1  Year Student Representative

        I.             Welcome and Introductions   Following the luncheon, Winnie welcomed all committee members and introduced
                                              Zelda Zoo as the new clinical preceptor for Park West Imaging Center.  Zelda has
                                              worked with Ms. Queue to become comfortable with the program’s policies,
                                              requirements, competency requirements, etc.
       II.    Review of Minutes               The minutes from the July 2022 Advisory Meeting were reviewed and approved as

       III.         Program Updates           In response to the last Advisory meeting, the college has purchased additional software
                                              to assist students in their medical dosimetry knowledge-base.  The students are required
                                              to complete both DVDs prior to the end of the Research Design and Statistics II class.
                                              Clinical preceptors indicate that they have seen a marked improvement in the students’
                                              understanding to date.

           The following are good examples of   The students will participate in a community health event that was suggested by Bebe
           Objectives 6.3 and 6.4 -The program   LeFlour at the last meeting.  The students will be allowed to perform vital signs on the
           has a systematic assessment plan and   participants as well as participant registration.  This should help to increase their skills
           facilitates ongoing program        in assessing patients as well as working with various patient populations. This will
           improvement by analyzing the data and   continue to be assessed to measure its effectiveness.
           sharing with its communities of interest.
           The first two examples were provided at   The students continue to complain that the white lab jackets are hard to keep clean.
           the previous meeting and the minutes   With the colored college patch, the students cannot bleach the jackets.  The program
           now document what action the program   would like to suggest that the students purchase a matching maroon jacket in the future
           has taken to improve certain deficits.   if this is not an issue with any of the sites.  Additionally, current students would also be
           The last example shows how the     allowed to change from white to maroon or they can keep the current white jackets.
           program selected a new student learning   The clinical affiliates see no issue with the change.
           outcome and benchmark for the
           assessment plan.                   It was decided to add a student learning outcome to the assessment plan under the Goal
                                              of Communication. It is further discussed in section VII Assessment Process.

                                              No other concerns were expressed.  The clinical sites agreed that the students have a
                                              positive attitude, are adjusting well, and are obtaining excellent images.  Dr. York also
                                              commented that the students’ patient care skills are amongst the best in several years.
       V.     Student Progress                Students continue to struggle with mathematical equations in Intro to Treatment
                                              Planning and Physics courses.  The faculty spends significant time reviewing basic
                                              algebraic equations.  Ms. Boope commented that the cross-multiplying was something
          Additional example of meeting minutes in   that was skimmed over in the Algebra course because the instructors felt that it was a
          support of Objective 6.4.
                                              remedial part of the course.  Mr. Bohr agreed to meet with course faculty to review the
                                              emphasis placed on these concepts and to see if a different algebra course could be
                                              more beneficial.  Course syllabi will be forwarded to the medical dosimetry faculty and
                                              a follow-up meeting will occur next month.
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