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Joint Review Committee on                                                           Newsletter Winter 2021
            Education in Radiologic Technology                                                      Volume 3, Issue 1


            As the impact of COVID-19 continues to affect our programs, the health and safety of
            faculty, site visitors, and students remains the number one priority of the JRCERT. We
            continue to monitor on a daily basis the effect the pandemic has and will have on our
            scheduled and future site visits. It is imperative that all those involved in the site visit
            are safe. Without your continued dedication to the accreditation process during these
            difficult and challenging times, the JRCERT would not be able to fulfill our mission.
            For those who have had the opportunity to perform a site visit during these
            unprecedented times, we want to thank you for your service and support of
            programmatic accreditation.
            Be safe and healthy.

                                                                                         Ms. Leslie F. Winter, M.S., R.T.(R)
            SITE VISIT MODIFICATIONS                                                     Chief Executive Officer

            The JRCERT has allowed numerous modifications in response to the pandemic,
            including but not limited to the site visit. Many clinical settings are not permitting
            visitors; therefore, the clinical visit may be performed virtually. Additionally, the site
            visit may be performed in a hybrid fashion after consultation with JRCERT Executive
            Staff, program faculty, and the site visit team. A hybrid site visit consists of one site
            visitor on campus and the other site visitor conducting the visit virtually. The site visit
            team will utilize the JRCERT’s video conferencing system to conduct all virtual aspects
            of the review. The JRCERT does not participate in fully virtual site visits.

            Additional information may be found in Policy 11.600 and in the Hybrid Site Visit
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