Page 25 - JRCERT Peer 2 Peer Newsletters
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                                         During onsite evaluations, site visit teams must assure that the clinical settings have the
                                         appropriate human and physical resources. For shared clinical settings, the team must assure that
                                         clinical schedules are coordinated to utilize the available resources.

                                         REAL ID COMPLIANCE
            REAL ID                      Beginning May 3, 2023, every air traveler 18 years of age and older will need a REAL ID-compliant

            Beginning                    driver’s license or identification card, state-issued enhanced driver’s license, or another TSA-
                                         acceptable form of identification at airport security checkpoints for domestic air travel. https://
            May 3, 2023        

                                         SITE VISITOR WORKSHOPS

                                         The JRCERT hosted a Site Visitor Workshop in conjunction with the AEIRS conference in
                                         Louisville, KY on July 6.

                                          As a reminder, all site visitors must complete a 2021 Standards eLearning course/educational
                                         activity before being assigned to a site visit.  Acceptable courses/activities include:
                                                 •  Attend a Site Visitor Workshop that includes the 2021 Standards
                                                 •  Attend an Accreditation Seminar that includes the 2021 Standards
                                                 •  Complete the Interpreting the JRCERT 2021 Standards for an Accredited
                                                    Educational Program eLearning course
                                                 •  Complete the Applying the JRCERT 2021 Standards During a Site Visit eLearning
                                         A complete listing of all upcoming workshops and eLearning courses is available at https://

                                         REVIEW OF DATABASE DURING SITE VISIT

                                         Consistent with Objective 1.7 of the 2021 Standards, the site visit team will conduct a review of the
                                         program database during the on-site evaluation to assure that affiliation agreements, accreditation
                                         documents, and ARRT registrations and/or unrestricted state licenses are current.

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