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JRCERT Quality Improvement Plan

                                                The JRCERT promotes excellence in education and elevates the quality and safety of patient
                                                care through the accreditation of educational programs in radiography, radiation therapy,
               The JRCERT will be hosting a     magnetic resonance, and medical dosimetry. The JRCERT’s Quality Improvement Plan is
                                                reviewed and revised as needed annually to assure continuous improvement. This plan is
               series of Townhalls on June
                                                comprised of four sections: Reliability, Validity, Timeliness, and Customer Satisfaction. Com-
               16, 2022. The four sessions      prising each section are six goals and 11 outcomes and numerous measurement tools to
               will take place at 9:00am,       determine whether the outcomes met the identified benchmark. The plan also trends data
                                                over five years. The data is first analyzed by the leads of the Quality Improvement Team,
               11:00am, 1:00pm, and
                                                who then share the plan and analysis with the larger team. Further discussion and analysis is
               2:30pm Central Time and will     documented and the plan with its analysis is then sent to the entire JRCERT staff for review.
               be about one-hour in length.     Finally, an executive summary of the plan is sent to the JRCERT Board of Directors for re-
               Topics to be discussed include
                                                The measurement tools utilized range from internal database sources to survey results. Goal
               organizational updates, AMS
                                                1 is “To increase knowledge and understanding of the Standards” and Outcome 1.A is
               Portal updates, and distance     “Increased site visitor knowledge and understanding of the Standards.” To measure this
               education. Space will be         outcome, staff utilize Site Visitor Workshop Evaluations, and specifically a response stating
                                                “The seminar increased my knowledge of the Standard.” Respondents give a numerical val-
               limited, so please be sure to
                                                ue on a Likert scale of 4.0, and the benchmark for this outcome is a composite score of 3.5.
               register as soon as possible.    Out of 86 responses, the composite score was a 3.92 and this benchmark was met. Staff
               We kindly ask that only one      continue to work on improving site visitor workshops to ensure the site visitors have appro-
                                                priate knowledge of the Standards. One such change was reducing the workshop from eight
               individual register from each
                                                hours to five hours but incorporating a LINK course to gain knowledge on the Standards
               accredited program. Multiple     outside of the workshop itself. The workshop discusses commonly missed questions from
                                                the course and those objectives that may have more details than others.
               program officials may view
               the Townhall if utilizing the    Goal 5 is “To complete the accreditation process within timeframes identified in policy” and
                                                Outcome 5.A states “Completion of steps of the accreditation process in a timely fashion.”
               same device. Please note that
                                                The benchmark for this outcome is that site visits are scheduled within 90 days of the pro-
               a recording will be uploaded     jected date. Projected dates are identified on award letters and ensure self-study reports are
                                                submitted in a timely manner and an appropriate team is identified. In 2021, 88 site visits
               to the JRCERT’s YouTube
                                                took place and these visits took place an average of 104 days after the projected dates. This
               channel after the conclusion     benchmark was unmet primarily due to the lingering effects of the pandemic through early
               of the sessions. To register for   2021. Delving further into the data shows that those 48 site visits originally scheduled for
                                                2021 were within 42 days of the projected date, which met the benchmark. 40 site visits
               the Townhalls and other
                                                took place in 2021 that originally had tentative dates in 2020, but were postponed. The
               JRCERT events, please click      average for these 40 visits was 179 days. Staff continue to work diligently to ensure site
                                                visits take place in a timely manner and will continue to stay abreast of local restrictions that
                                                may delay the visit.

                                                Website and Portal Updates

                                                The JRCERT’s website has a brand new look! If you have not visited our website at
                                       yet, please take a look at the new features and redesign of the website. A
                                                new Find a Program tool and redesigned Calendar of upcoming events are just some of the
                                                updates. Small changes will continue to occur over the next few months as we take your
                                                feedback into consideration.
                                                The Accreditation Management System (AMS) Portal upgrade is nearly ready to be released.
                                                The tentative launch date is Monday, June 6 . Prior to the upgrade, the Portal will shut
                                                down for several days as data is migrated over. Any data currently in the AMS Portal will
                                                transfer and be available to you once the new Portal is launched. Please be on the lookout
                                                for updated Portal help videos, which will be published in conjunction with the Portal’s
                                                launch. Programs that have accreditation materials due on or around June 6  have received
                                                correspondence from the office with additional information. Please be sure to attend the
               4                                JRCERT Townhall on June 16  to get new information about the Portal from the JRCERT’s IT
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