Page 31 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
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Revised JRCERT Policies

           At its April 2022 Meeting, the JRCERT Board of Directors approved several changes to
           policies, specifically related to compliance timeframes and medical dosimetry programs.

           JRCERT Policy 11.400, Procedure 11.405A now states that the JRCERT limits the response
           time for sponsors and programs to comply with the relevant accreditation standards by
           establishing the following maximum timeframe for compliance: i. eighteen (18) months from
           the date of notice of non-compliance if the program is at least one (1) year but less than two
           (2) years in length; ii. thirty-six (36) months from the date of notice of non-compliance if the
           program is two (2) years or longer in length.
           JRCERT Policy Statement 10.202 now identifies the following for Probationary Accreditation:
           “Probationary Accreditation may be awarded when an accredited program is subsequently
           determined not to be in substantial compliance with the relevant accreditation standards.
           Probationary Accreditation is usually limited to one (1) year but may not extend beyond
           three (3) years unless the program has been granted a good cause extension pursuant
           to Policy 11.400, Procedure 11.405B.”
           Good cause extensions are generally 12 months in length but may not exceed 24 months.
           Programs must identify mitigating circumstances, complete the good cause extension
           request form found here, and provide the associated fee.
           Finally, JRCERT Policy 11.400 Procedure 11.407Aiv. regarding Substantive Changes was
           updated, specifically for medical dosimetry programs. Medical Dosimetry programs must
           submit a Substantive Change and receive approval from the JRCERT Board of Directors if
           more than 50% of total clinical hours will be offered via distance delivery.

           Urgent!! Site Visitors Needed!

           Do you want to gain professional development? Do you want to travel? Do you want to
           assist your profession? If so, have you ever considered becoming a JRCERT site visitor?
           Site visitors provide a valuable service to the organization and help ensure the accreditation
           process is fair, comprehensive, and accurate.
           The JRCERT is always looking to accept individuals as site visitors, although there is an urgent
           need for individuals from radiation therapy, magnetic resonance, and medical dosimetry.
           Additionally, practitioners and those who have distance education experience are needed.
           The JRCERT defines a practitioner as an individual who oversees patients in the healthcare
           setting a minimum of eight hours a week.  Site visitors from hospitals and technical colleges
           are also in high demand.

           If you have ever considered becoming a site visitor, please fill out an application here. If you
           have any questions about being a site visitor or the site visit process, please do not hesitate
           to contact the office.

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