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          Standard 2                                         assignments and receive credit for the course. For
            Standard 2 focuses on the institutional commitment   example, secure logins, passcodes, and proctored exams
          and resources available to the program.  Programs   for students taking online courses can be used to help
          must ensure adequate administrative support in terms   protect and authenticate student identity.
          of number of faculty, financial resources, and the avail-
          ability of technical support for the distance education   Standard 6
          component of the program. Adequate student learn-     Standard 6 concentrates on the assessment practices
          ing resources that support the achievement of student   of the program.  All programs, including distance
          learning outcomes and program goals, including     education programs, are required to evaluate student
          classrooms, laboratories, and online platforms, must   learning outcomes. Programs can conduct the required
          be available to support distance education. In addition,   assessment in a variety of ways. For example, distance
          students who enroll in distance education courses must   education programs might choose to compare distance
          have access to student services. Resources and services   education students to students in traditional classrooms
          should be consistent with those provided for students   in their assessment plan. Alternatively, the program can
          who enroll in traditional courses.  2              decide to integrate the assessment of distance educa-
                                                             tion students with students in traditional classrooms.
          Standard 3                                         In either case, the goal is to confirm that the program
            Standard 3 refers to the faculty and staff of the pro-  is evaluating student learning outcomes irrespective of
          gram.  Program faculty are expected to be qualified for   the method used to deliver curriculum.
          their assignments. Faculty must have adequate training
          and professional development related to the technol-  Conclusion
          ogy employed and to the teaching methodology. For     The goal of every program is to provide a quality
          example, using teaching methods that are successful   education that prepares students to become members
          in a face-to-face environment might not be effective in   of their chosen professions. The mode of curriculum
          a distance education environment. Program officials   delivery in any program does not change that goal.
          and faculty should provide sufficient oversight of the   When implementing distance education—or any new
          distance education components to assure effective-  instructional technology or teaching method—educators
          ness. In addition, faculty who teach distance education   are required to maintain the quality of the program.
          courses should receive evaluations that reflect their use
          of distance education methods and technology. Faculty
          evaluations should encompass criteria related to profi-  Leslie Winter, MS, R.T.(R), serves as chief executive
          ciency in distance education.                      officer for the Joint Review Committee on Education in
                                                             Radiologic Technology.
          Standard 4
            Standard 4 evaluates the curriculum and academic   References
          practices of the program.  Instruction and learning   1.   Undergraduate enrollment. National Center for Education
          experiences should be effective and enhance learning   Statistics. Published May 2022. Accessed July 13, 2022. https://
          whenever distance education is used. Programs must
          demonstrate that outcomes are equivalent to those   2.   Alternative learning options: policy statements. Joint Review
                                                                 Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology. Revised
          obtained with traditional teaching methods.  Students   April 2022. Accessed July 13, 2022.
          should receive appropriate advisement regardless of    /accreditation-policies/alternative-learning-options/
          whether the program includes distance education.   3.   Slimp M. Trends in distance education−what college lead-
          Most importantly, student privacy must be protected.   ers should consider: a white paper from the Instructional
                                                                 Technology Council delivered to the American Association of
          Programs also must have processes to verify that the   Community Colleges Commission on Academic, Student, and
          students who register are the ones who complete        Community Development. Instructional Technology Council.

          RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, May/June 2023, Volume 94, Number 5                                       389
          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2023. All rights reserved.
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