Page 29 - JRCERT Update Articles
P. 29


          Distance Education Standards

          Leslie Winter, MS, R.T.(R)

                  istance education in higher learning has   own convenience. Course quality must be maintained
                  become increasingly common, in large part   when integrating a distance education component into
                  because of the COVID-19 pandemic. In fall   any program. Standards for distance education are
         D2020, more than 11.8 million students were         similar to those in a traditional educational setting.   3
          enrolled in at least 1 distance education course, with   JRCERT uses the same standards to evaluate a pro-
          almost 7 million students enrolled exclusively in dis-  gram’s curriculum, whether its courses are delivered
          tance education courses.  The increase in distance   traditionally or if distance education is integrated into
          education is evident in all types of educational pro-  the curriculum.
          grams, including those in the radiologic sciences.    The JRCERT Standards For Accredited Educational
          Most, if not all, radiologic sciences programs have   Programs are used to ensure the quality of educational
          integrated distance education into the curriculum and   programs in radiography, radiation therapy, magnetic
          now use a variety of teaching strategies to provide   resonance imaging, and medical dosimetry. JRCERT
          instruction to students in face-to-face, online, and   identifies programs offering 4 or more radiologic sci-
          hybrid courses.                                    ence didactic courses in the professional curriculum
            The Joint Review Committee on Education in       via distance delivery as distance education programs.
          Radiologic Technology (JRCERT) supports programs   Programs intending to offer 4 or more professional
          in developing and using alternative learning approach-  courses that meet the definition of distance education
          es.  To clarify its position, JRCERT has defined   must submit notification of a substantive change to
          distance education as:                             the JRCERT. The JRCERT Board of Directors must
             an educational process characterized by the     approve the change before its implementation.
             separation, in time or place, between instructor   Distance Education Standards
             and students…Distance education/delivery courses
             are taught primarily (more than 50%) through       Distance education programs are expected to com-
             the use of TV, audio, or computer transmissions   ply with all standards, same as traditional programs.
             (broadcast, closed-circuit, cable, microwave, satellite   Five of the 6 JRCERT Standards can be applied to the
             transmissions); audio or computer conferencing;   distance education components of a program’s curricu-
             video cassettes or disks; and/or a combination of   lum. Standard 5 is excluded because it addresses health
             face-to-face instruction with a distance learning   and safety and is not relevant to distance education.
             component (hybrid). 2
                                                             Standard 1
          Distance education can be categorized in multiple     Standard 1 addresses accountability, fair practices,
          ways. One category is mode of delivery, which can be   and public information.  Programs must publish mate-
          synchronous or asynchronous.  Through synchronous   rials informing prospective and enrolled students of
          delivery, students attend class meetings in real time,   the use of distance education in the curriculum and the
          even if they are in different locations. With asynchro-  associated costs. Those publications also must state any
          nous delivery, students can access materials at their   special requirements related to distance education. 2

          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2023. All rights reserved.
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