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          Accreditation Resources: Help Is Available

          JRCERT Board of Directors. These resources are avail-  accreditation process, the JRCERT accreditation
          able online at  Standards, and methods for preparing and submitting
            A chart explaining the accreditation process and   a self-study or interim report. Upcoming seminar and
          accreditation cycle also is available on the JRCERT   workshop registration information can be found on the
          Web site, along with numerous resources regarding   JRCERT Web site at
          assessment. Video modules are available on the topics of
          outcomes assessment, student-centered goals, student   Conclusion
          learning outcomes, and developing and evaluating a    Through a process of continuous self-evaluation,
          mission statement. These modules, which were pro-  your program can benefit by achieving the following
          duced in collaboration with the American Society of   objectives:
          Radiologic Technologists, can answer many questions     Well-articulated educational goals that communi-
          that might arise while preparing your accreditation     cate your program’s vision for the future.
          documents.                                              A documented process that helps maintain conti-
            An extensive list of assessment resources compiled by   nuity through times of transition, such as changes
          the JRCERT—including Web sites, books, videos, and      in program officials or budget.
          podcasts—is available online at     A process that engages faculty, administration,
          /jrcert/uploads/documents/Assessment_Resources.pdf.     students, and community members in improving
          A recent Radiologic Technology JRCERT Update column     program quality.
          also offered information available outside of the JRCERT     An increased ability to provide answers to ques-
          for learning about best practices in assessment. 2      tions about program quality and value that are
                                                                  asked by institutional administrators and pro-
          Workshops                                               spective students and their parents, as well as
            The JRCERT offers many learning opportuni-            accreditors and the community at large.
          ties in the form of workshops. Outcomes assessment    The resources discussed in this article should assist
          workshops and accreditation seminars both are      you in this evaluation process. And remember, the focus
          offered throughout the year, usually preceding a state   is on excellence in education.
          or national conference such as the annual confer-
          ences held by the American Society of Radiologic
          Technologists or the Association of Educators in      Debra J Poelhuis, MS, R.T.(R)(M), has served as
          Imaging and Radiologic Sciences. These workshops   program director for Montgomery County Community
          and seminars also are offered in Chicago at the    College in Pennsylvania since the radiography program’s
          JRCERT office.                                     inception in 2003. She has worked in radiography education
            The outcomes assessment workshop covers “the     for 34 years, 24 of those as a program director. She has
          general theoretical background relative to outcomes   clinical experience in computed tomography, mammography,
          assessment” and includes “activities to facilitate the   forensic radiography, trauma radiography, and
          design of an outcomes assessment plan.”  Participants
          have the opportunity to work directly with JRCERT   interventional radiography. She has presented professionally
          staff in developing or updating their outcomes assess-  at the local, state, and national levels and has coauthored
          ment plan, and they are encouraged to bring their cur-  a textbook in radiography and another in nursing. The
          rent assessment plan and tools or rubrics referenced in   Indiana Society of Radiologic Technologists granted her
          that plan.                                         the Distinguished Service Award when she was president in
            The accreditation seminar is appropriate for pro-  1992, Technologist of the Year in 1986, and Life Membership
          gram officials and others who participate in the accred-  in 1997.
          itation process and is particularly helpful for those who   Poelhuis has served 5 years on the JRCERT Board of
          are preparing a self-study report. Participation in the   Directors and is currently chair of the Board. She can be
          seminar facilitates an understanding of the JRCERT   contacted at

          88                                             RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, September/October 2014, Volume 86, Number 1
          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2019. All rights reserved.
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