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           Strategies to Improve Response Rate
           Strategy     Application                              Consideration
           Data collection   Mailed surveys provide a higher response rate than   Mailed surveys might provide better response rate among
           mode         do emailed or web-based surveys. Consider the   some respondents. However, electronic surveys provide
                        sample population, their access to electronics, and   an effective form of data collection and analysis, are low
                        their computer skills as well as the surveyor’s program   cost, and have convenient data storage and processing.
                        resources and budget when deciding on the data   In-person administration of surveys provides the highest
                        collection method.                       response rate, but this method might not be possible for
                                                                 certain surveys.
           Privacy and   Assure respondents about their privacy and   If the survey is conducted in-person, the surveyor should
           confidentiality  confidentiality of the data collected; this can be   leave the room and use a neutral party to monitor or
                        explained at the beginning of the survey.  administer the survey. If surveys are returned by email, the
                                                                 receiver should be a neutral party so that the identity of
                                                                 respondents remains confidential. For web-based surveys,
                                                                 the option to anonymize responses should be used.
           Incentives   Monetary incentives can improve the response rate. If   If programs are not able to provide a monetary prize, an
                        possible, respondents can be offered a drawing for the   intrinsic prize such as points toward a course grade for
                        chance to win a prize.                   survey completion can be used. An explanation of the
                                                                 benefits of the study results for future programs, courses,
                                                                 and the radiology profession also can be encouraging for
                                                                 some respondents.
           Questionnaire   Start the survey with questions that are easy and catch   Avoid complicated surveys with multiple sections that
           design       the respondents’ attention. Demographic questions   take a long time to complete as well as surveys that do
                        can be placed at the end of the survey. Questions   not provide a purpose statement.
                        should be clear, easy to understand, and an appropriate
                        length to encourage participation. Personalization also
                        can increase the response rate; address each survey by
                        name or group, if possible.
           Reminders and   Sending reminders to nonresponders can be an   Consider changing the wording of reminders and provide
           follow-ups   effective way to increase the response rate.  multiple data collection modes for the respondents to
                                                                 complete and return the survey.

          rates because response rates are affected by many fac-  survey sample.  The survey sample typically is selected
          tors related to study designs and survey attributes.    to obtain a representative group of a larger population.
          Although a high response rate is ideal, there is not   The population “is selected based on the knowledge
          a base rate to use as a standard. For some surveys, a   of the population and the purpose of the study. The
          response rate between 95% and 100% is expected, while   respondents are selected because of some character-
          in others, a response rate of 70% is anticipated.” 1  istic.”  When a specific population is being surveyed,
            To improve the survey data, understanding strategies   such as graduates, alumni, or employers, it is more likely
          that could improve response rate is important. A fac-  that the entire population will be sampled.  This type
          tor to consider is the survey respondents that represent   of sampling is considered purposive or judgmental sam-
          the target sample. The characteristics of the survey   pling. The issues to address are whether an appropriate
          respondents and the number of people surveyed is the   sample can achieve the expected response rate.

          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2020. All rights reserved.
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