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          Data Collection Modes                              research has mixed results when determining the most
            Planning and implementing a data collection mode   effective mode of distribution. Faculty should consider
          that is appropriate for the population completing the   a mode of distribution that is best for the population
          survey can increase response rate. The data collection   being surveyed.
          mode includes the methods in which the survey is dis-  Other factors to consider when improving response
          tributed, and responses are collected. There are various   rate using data collection modes is the means to obtain
          methods to distribute survey questionnaires to the tar-  the data from the respondent and determine whether
          get population, such as:                           the participants will complete the survey in-person or
                ƒ course management systems                  remotely. When surveys are administered in-person in
                ƒ email                                      a group, such as in the classroom, a high response rate
                ƒ in-person                                  can be likely.  Alternatively, if the survey is conducted
                ƒ mailed surveys distributed via a postal service  remotely, the response rate might be lower and could
                ƒ online                                     be affected by the accuracy of the participant’s contact
                ƒ phone surveys                              information. Accurate contact information is important
          The electronic options require using web-based sur-  to ensure surveys are received by potential respon-
          vey instruments such as Qualtrics, SurveyMonkey, or   dents.  If the survey group consists of future graduates
          Microsoft Office Forms. These electronic instruments   or alumni, connecting via social media or by collect-
          can be a low cost and effective option for data collec-  ing personal email addresses with permission before
          tion, analysis, storage, and management.           student graduation ensures that the participants can
            When comparing the response rates of different   receive the survey.
          modes of distribution, Fraze et al found that traditional
          paper surveys resulted in the highest response rate (60%),   Privacy and Confidentiality
          web-based surveys received a 43% response rate, and   When conducting a survey, protecting privacy and
          email surveys received the lowest response rate (27%).   6  confidentiality is crucial. It is the responsibility of the
          They suggested to follow up web-based surveys with   surveyor to protect the respondent’s right to privacy and
          paper surveys to improve response rate. Research con-  confidentiality.  Saleh and Bista indicated that assur-
          ducted by Hardigan et al studied 7200 U.S. pharmacists   ance of privacy and confidentiality also is an important
          to determine the effects that distribution method,   factor that affects response rate.  When surveys are
          survey length, item placement, and gender of partici-  distributed electronically via email or online, there is
          pants has on survey response rate, response time, and   another concern for a potential security failure because
          costs.  They found that the distribution method was   of communication to and from the respondent as well
          the only variable that influenced the response rate and   as the web server. However, respondents might be more
          response time.  Surveys distributed via a postal service   likely to share a negative or extreme response if the
          with a pre-paid self-addressed return envelope showed   surveyor is not present during the survey.  A potential
          the highest response rate, and emails with a link to a   solution to avoid security failures while maintaining
          web-based survey showed the shortest response time.    responses is to administer or monitor in-person surveys
          However, Medway and Fulton found that mailed sur-  using a neutral party.
          veys that include a web-based option for the target
          population have significantly lower response rates than   Incentives
          those that do not.  They argued that the low response   Adding intrinsic or monetary incentives for the com-
          rate might be because of the increased complexity of   pletion of a survey is another method used to increase
          options.  Their result is consistent with Shih and Fan   response rates. Surveys that target a sample group by
          who suggested that even with advancements in internet   appealing to a shared value or belief is an incentive
          technology, mailed surveys provide higher response   to attract respondents before completion of a survey.
          rate compared with emailed surveys.  Therefore,    Another incentive method is to communicate how a

          RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, July/August 2021, Volume 92, Number 6                                    627
          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2020. All rights reserved.
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