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          Increasing Survey Response Rates to

          Improve Data Collection for Program


          Mahsa Dehghanpour, EdD, CMD
          Tracy Herrmann, PhD, R.T.(R), FAEIRS

                urveys can be used across medical imaging and   Standard 6, Objective 6.4 indicates that, “programs
                radiation therapy programs to obtain data con-  must use assessment results to promote student success
                cerning various aspects of the program. The   and maintain and improve student learning outcomes.”
         Stypes of surveys that could be used include        Assessment results must be reviewed with communities
          employer surveys, alumni surveys, course satisfaction   of interest at least annually to document evidence-based
          surveys, instructor surveys, and exit surveys. The data   decisions, and surveys often are used to collect assess-
          collected from surveys can provide critical information   ment data for program effectiveness. They also can be
          to measure and analyze the effectiveness of a radiologic   useful in facilitating discussions regarding program and
          technology program, as well as provide feedback for   student learning.
          decision making for ongoing program and student
          learning improvement. Surveys also might be used to   Response Rate and Target Sample
          conduct research designed to investigate practices and   Well-developed surveys are effective tools to gather
          perspectives in radiologic science education. According   data. However, surveys with insufficient response
          to Fink, surveys often are conducted to fulfill policy or   rates can be concerning to program officials because
          program requirements, to evaluate programs, or for   of the reduced statistical power, nonresponse bias, and
          research purposes.  Regardless of the purpose for con-  the validity of results.  A type of validity that is linked
          ducting a survey, an inadequate response rate can affect   closely to response rate is design validity, which is the
          the efficacy of the survey data. Therefore, it is impor-  method a survey is administered (eg, timing, frequency,
          tant to consider how response rates can be improved   and selection of survey respondents).  Measurement
          with advance planning and implementation of surveys,   validity is the content and format of the survey, which
          including considering the data collection mode, privacy   also can effect response rate if the respondent doesn’t
          and confidentiality of respondents, and incentives   complete the survey because of the items.  Important
          (see Table).                                       tips for survey development were provided in a recent
                                                             JRCERT Update, including :
          Surveys and Accreditation                                ƒ assuring that each item addresses a single concept
            Surveys are 1 of many potential sources of data that     ƒ avoiding double negatives
          might be used by a radiologic technology program to      ƒ defining terms that could be misinterpreted
          meet the Joint Review Committee on Education in          ƒ eliminating leading statements
          Radiologic Technology (JRCERT) Standards. To meet        ƒ neutral and objective wording
          Standard 2, Objective 2.3, “the sponsoring institution   Design validity and measurement validity are impor-
          provides student resources,” a survey can be used to   tant to consider when using surveys to collect data for a
          document services and promote academic success.  For   radiologic technology program and student learning.
          Standard 6, Objective 6.1, the program can use survey   Response rate is calculated by dividing the number
          data to verify job placement rate, and for Standard 6,   of people who completed the survey by the num-
          Objective 6.3, the program might choose to use sur-  ber of people who received the survey. There can be
          veys to assess graduate and employer satisfaction.    inconsistent guidance regarding receiving response

          RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, July/August 2021, Volume 92, Number 6                                    625
          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2020. All rights reserved.
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