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JRCERT Update  JRCERT Update

 The Role of a Site Visitor in

 Programmatic Accreditation  Improving Program Completion Rates

 Lisa F Schmidt, PhD, R.T.(R)(M), CRT(R)  Beverly Felder, RN, BSN, MPA
 Chad Hensley, MEd, R.T.(R)(MR)

 he Joint Review Committee on Education in   and application of the Standards. Reasons for partici-  ne frequently must start at the beginning to   professional aspects of the student’s chosen career, the
 Radiologic Technology (JRCERT) is the only   pating in programmatic accreditation include:  assess the end, and program completion rates   program faculty might need to develop and implement
 organization the U.S. Department of     ƒ Participation in the peer-review process. Selection  are 1 of those endings. The Joint Review   interventions. This need is evident in radiologic science
 TEducation (USDE) and the Council for Higher   as a site visitor is viewed as an esteemed position,  OCommittee on Education in Radiologic   programs as well as in other selective admissions programs.
 Education Accreditation (CHEA) recognize to accred-  and the site visitor becomes a representative of the  Technology (JRCERT) has established standards for   Despite previous excellent college performance and
 it traditional and distance delivery educational pro-  JRCERT as well as the profession.  an accredited educational program to assure quality in   testing capabilities, the highest rates of attrition for
 grams in radiography, radiation therapy, magnetic reso-  ƒ Increased knowledge of programmatic accredi-  educational programs.  Standard Five, Objective 5.2, for   programs occur in the first year.  Although radiologic
 nance, and medical dosimetry. According to the coun-  tation benefits the site visitor and his or her  example, requires accredited programs to measure and   science programs do not require an undergraduate
 cil, “accreditation is the primary means of assuring and   employer. The site visitor gains knowledge about  assess program completion rates. “Program completion   degree, prerequisite courses that demonstrate a success-
 improving the quality of higher education institutions   the Standards and accreditation process, can  rate is defined as the number of students who complete   ful acclamation to college-level workloads are required.
 and programs in the United States.”  The USDE identi-  serve as an expert, and can educate the profes-  the program within 150% of the stated program length.”     In addition, some institutions use a general exam such
 fies the on-site evaluation that a team of peers performs   sionals with which he or she interacts while  To enhance autonomy, the program is responsible for   as Accuplacer or Compass for further admission screen-
 as part of the primary accrediting activities vital to the   conducting a site visit.  establishing the benchmark for its completion rate.  ing or course placement. Similar first year attrition
 accreditation process.  Peer review in accreditation is     ƒ Networking opportunities and collaboration  Although programs that are seeking or maintaining   still occurs even if these tools are used as predictors of
 based on the fundamental assumption that quality in   with other programs and professionals. The net-  accreditation typically do well with collecting data, they   student success. However, when looking at aggregate
 higher education is best served through a process that   working opportunities to interact with program  might struggle with analyzing the results. A program   program completion rates for 2018 JRCERT accredited
 enables peers of the institution to make the judgments   officials and administrators from across the coun-  completion rate is more than just the number of stu-  programs, they demonstrate high completion rates
 essential to ensuring and advancing the quality of   try cannot be replicated.  dents completing the program; it also serves as the start   (see Table).
 higher learning. 3    ƒ Mentoring opportunities with programs and pro-  of the evaluation process that begs to have 2 questions   Radiography, radiation therapy, magnetic resonance,
 fessionals. Site visitors mentor individuals such as  answered: Why did a loss of students occur, and when   and medical dosimetry programs have the commonality of
 The Process and Procedure  educators, administrators, and students.  in the program did it happen?  a curriculum that scaffolds the previous semesters’ courses,
 During the accreditation process, each educational     ƒ A sense of pride for contributing to the quality  a hands-on demonstration of knowledge in an actual
 program prepares a self-study report to highlight its   of the profession. A sense of professional pride  Causes for Attrition  professional environment (patient care environment),
 achievements and to help the JRCERT determine the   comes from being part of a team dedicated to  There are many reasons for students not completing   and customary didactic learning and testing. Traditional
 program’s compliance with the accreditation standards.   maintaining the quality of a radiologic science  their selected programs, including:  coursework might not have included a comprehensive
 Once program materials are submitted to the JRCERT   education.    ƒ financial  curriculum; therefore, these students might never have
 office, the site visit, which is an integral component in     ƒ health  experienced this comprehensive interwoven structure.
 affirming the quality of the educational program, is   How to Become a Site Visitor    ƒ family issues
 established. Dedicated and qualified site visitors are an   Site visitors are selected based on the review of sub-    ƒ lack of time
 essential element of the accreditation process.  mitted applications from individuals who have applied     ƒ academic performance  Table
 through the JRCERT website.  Once site visitors are     ƒ course expectations  2018 JRCERT Program Completion Rates
 Value of Becoming a Site Visitor  chosen, subsequent professional development activities     ƒ clinical placement issues  Radiography  83%
 The ability to examine a program and compare it to   include detailed introspection of the JRCERT Standards,     ƒ the profession not being what they expected  Radiation Therapy  89%
 the JRCERT Standards requires that site visitors pos-  the accreditation process, and outcomes assessment.   Most programs have internal resources to assist
 sess traits such as professionalism, competence, and   Continual professional development also is required   students (eg, financial aid, tutoring, advisors, social   Magnetic Resonance  95%
 objectivity as well as develop a thorough understanding   for site visitors to help ensure they remain apprised of   workers), but when issues arise that affect the   Medical Dosimetry  98%

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 Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2019. All rights reserved.  Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2019. All rights reserved.
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