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                ƒ opportunities to learn with real-world experiences  and reflective writing.  Reflective writing allows for stu-
                ƒ performance expectations set at high levels  dents to think critically about their experiences using
                ƒ periodic, structured opportunities to reflect and   observations, conversations with individuals, and con-
               integrate learning                            tact with other professions. Using this method, physical
                ƒ time and effort spent by students during an   therapy students realized that working together with
               extended period                               other professions can provide the best possible care for
                                                             the patient.  Radiologic technology educators should
          ePortfolio                                         help students spend more time reflecting on the experi-
            Integrating ePortfolios in a radiologic technology   ence and the new ideas that could occur because of the
          program can create a metacognitive learning experi-  experience. Guiding students through self-reflections
          ence for students. Metacognitive learning is recognizing   can be a way to help students structure their thoughts
          concepts that are not understood and selecting learning   and critically think about their experiences and what
          strategies for a deeper comprehension.  With ePort-  they learned from those experiences.
          folios, students can connect textbook knowledge with
          professionalism and ethics as it relates to health care   Service Learning
          and patient care. ePortfolios capture learning during a   Service learning or community engagement is a
          specific period, which helps develop clinical competen-  high-impact practice that allows students to connect
          cies by allowing the learner to assess their development   real-world experiences to concepts introduced in the
          throughout the curriculum.  Because of the longi-  classroom to meet curriculum goals, deepen student
          tudinal format of ePortfolios, radiologic technology   education, and prepare them for the workforce. 6,16-19
          students can showcase their learning journey beginning   Service learning experiences can develop the collabora-
          with foundational course work. 7,12,13  In addition, educa-  tion, communication, critical thinking, and leadership
          tors can implement transformative learning by having   skills that are sought out by employers.  In addition,
          students reflect on the course work and learning activi-  service learning provides an opportunity for programs
          ties. 7,12,13  Transformative learning is a process for which   to develop students’ experiences with cultural diversity,
          the learner links didactic and clinical practice, and   values and ethics during clinicals, while reflecting on
          assimilates new knowledge with previous knowledge to   their own personal education growth. Service learning
          change their worldview. 14                         was conceptualized by John Dewey then progressed
            In physical therapy programs, Ciesielkiewicz et   into an experimental learning model by David Kolb.
          al reported that ePortfolios had a positive effect on   Hayden and Osborn argued that education is not a
          students’ critical learning by connecting first-year expe-  one-way street, but participatory and active.  In other
          riences of the program with academic course work and   words, the learner can reflect critically on how their
          personal experiences.  In addition to student learning   experience changed their own thinking. 16
          outcomes, students were able to develop core values   The Association of American Colleges and
          such as :                                          Universities designated service learning as 1 of the
                ƒ caring                                     top 11 high-impact practices.  Service learning offers
                ƒ empathetic behaviors                       radiologic technology students the opportunity to work
                ƒ ethical values associated with caring for patients  collaboratively to meet a community need, achieve a
                ƒ social responsibility                      course outcome, and discover a deeper understanding
          Furthermore, students began using the ePortfolio as a   of the experience through reflection.  For example,
          study guide for the national exam because it was used to   programs with professionalism development as a pro-
          store notes, reflective writing, and class projects which   gram goal could create a service learning component
          demonstrate the students’ learning over time.      that allows students to become aware of issues that
            According to Chan, physical therapy students found   could affect their profession, such as a potential patient’s
          that the ePortfolio was a place to store class projects   inability to receive a needed diagnostic or therapeutic

          RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, November/December 2021, Volume 93, Number 2                              233
          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2021. All rights reserved.
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