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          JRCERT Continues Its Long-standing Recognition by the U.S. Department of Education

          Process for Achieving Recognition                  recipient in 2003. She also is a former chairman of the
            Accreditors undergo an external review by the USDE   Radiologic Technology Editorial Review Board. She can be
          every 5 years. The recognition process is overseen by   reached at
          the National Advisory Committee on Institutional
          Quality and Integrity (NACIQI) established through   References
          the HEA, which delineates the committee’s mission and   1.  Accreditation in the United States. U.S. Department of
          responsibilities. NACIQI is an 18-member committee    Education Web site.
          appointed by the Senate, the House of Representatives,   /accred/accreditation.html#Overview. Updated March 11,
                                                                2016. Accessed March 23, 2016.
          and the Secretary of Education.  One of the commit-
          tee’s goals is the establishment and enforcement of   2.  History. Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic
                                                                Technology Web site.
          criteria for recognition of accrediting agencies.     Accessed March 23, 2016.
            NACIQI’s recognition process is similar to the   3.  National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and
          accreditation process for JRCERT-accredited programs.   Integrity. U.S. Department of Education Web site. http://
          As an organization, the JRCERT is required to com- Updated
          plete a petition to ensure compliance with all federal   March 28, 2016. Accessed March 23, 2016.
          regulations. Similar to an educational program’s self-
          study report, the JRCERT’s petition also provides an
          opportunity for self-reflection and allows the agency
          to identify areas for improvement. Once the petition is
          submitted, a USDE staff member reviews the petition
          to determine compliance.  Typically, the USDE staff
          member will observe a JRCERT Board of Directors
          meeting and participate in a program site visit to ensure
          all elements of the accreditation process comply with
          established policies and procedures. NACIQI will then
          review the petition, as well as the USDE staff member’s
          recommendation for acceptance or denial of recogni-
          tion. NACIQI meets twice a year to consider accrediting
          agencies; when the committee meets, the JRCERT has
          the opportunity to present strengths and to refute any
          concerns NACIQI or the USDE might have.
            Although seeking recognition by the USDE is a
          time-consuming task and can seem daunting, it is ben-
          eficial for all involved. The recognition process ensures
          that the JRCERT remains accountable to the institu-
          tions and programs it accredits.

            Laura S Aaron, PhD, R.T.(R)(M)(QM), FASRT, serves
          as chair of the JRCERT Board of Directors and is director
          and professor of the School of Allied Health for Northwestern
          State University in Shreveport, Louisiana. She also serves
          on the ASRT Foundation Scholarship Review Committee.
          Aaron was an ASRT Foundation professional research
          grant awardee in 2004 and 2009, and a Stern Scholarship

          676                                                  RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, July/August 2016, Volume 87, Number 6
          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2019. All rights reserved.
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