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          organizations, and other programmatic accrediting   3.  Eaton JS. Accreditation and the federal future of higher edu-
          organizations. The surveys include questions regarding   cation. Academe. 2010. American Association of University
          differing accreditation processes to gauge the feelings   Professors Web site.
          of the community about these processes. Just because a   tion-and-federal-future-higher-education#.V5D-OHkUXxk.
                                                                Published September, 2010. Accessed July 19, 2016.
          different accreditation process is included in a survey or
          is mentioned at a professional meeting does not mean   To read more about the JRCERT standards revision
          the JRCERT has adopted it. It is only a reflection of the   process and access the surveys, visit
          JRCERT’s due diligence to explore and obtain feedback
          from all stakeholders.
            The JRCERT is dedicated to providing a fully
          transparent process. For this reason, its Web site now
          includes a “standards revision” link on the home page.
          The page provides current information related to the
          revision process, including the stakeholders and time-
          lines. The Initial Program and Faculty Survey was
          launched April 27, 2016, and will remain available for
          comment until later this year. In addition to the survey,
          JRCERT will continue to solicit input at national,
          regional, and state professional meetings.
            The importance of obtaining feedback from those
          most familiar with the standards is essential to the suc-
          cess of this process. As part of this transparent process,
          feedback will be reported in aggregate format so no
          identifying information will be released. The goal of the
          standards revision is to produce a document that is
          effective, clearly stated, nonrepetitive, and that specifi-
          cally identifies documents needed for validation of the
          written narrative.

            Stephanie Eatmon, EdD, R.T. (R)(T), FASRT, serves
          as first vice chair of the JRCERT Board of Directors and
          advisor for the National University Radiation Therapy
          Program in Costa Mesa, California. She can be contacted at

          1.  JRCERT mission, vision, and core values. Joint Review
             Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology Web site.
    Accessed July 21, 2016.
          2.  Douglas-Gabriel D. Embattled for-profit Corinthian Colleges
             closes its doors. Washington Post Web site. https://www
             Published April 26, 2015. Accessed July 21, 2016.

          RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, September/October 2016, Volume 88, Number 1                               75
          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2019. All rights reserved.
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