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          Competency-Based Education:

          A Brief Overview

          Tricia Leggett, DHEd, R.T.(R)(QM)

                  ow would you describe a competent entry-level   competency-based education is an ongoing process, not
                  radiographer, magnetic resonance technolo-  a final product. The American Society of Radiologic
                  gist, or radiation therapist? Depending upon   Technologists provides the approved curricula as well
         Hyour clinical environment and communities of       as the practice standards and scopes of practice that
          interest, there might not be one standardized response.   address competency in the clinical environment for
          The Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary defines   radiologic technologists, specifically radiographers,
          competency as “marked or sufficient aptitude, skill,   magnetic resonance technologists, and radiation thera-
          strength, or knowledge and being legally qualified or   pists. Finally, the American Registry of Radiologic
          capable.”  How is this term then applied to the profes-  Technologists (ARRT) states in its competency
          sion of radiologic technology and, more specifically, the   requirements that clinical competence is affirmed when
          educational process for becoming a competent entry-  “the program director or designee has observed the
          level practitioner?                                candidate performing the procedure, and that the can-
            Several professional organizations have validated the   didate performed the procedure independently, consis-
          importance of competency-based education and incor-  tently, and effectively.”  The ARRT requires graduates
          porated it into their respective roles in the profession,   to have completed didactic and clinical competencies
          from the beginning of the learning process through the   for eligibility to take the certification examination.
          progression to the clinical environment and the work-  Competency-based education has been in place in
          place. For example, radiologic science programs accred-  allied health programs for several years; however, it is
          ited by the Joint Review Committee on Education in   only recently being explored for other types of educa-
          Radiologic Technology (JRCERT) are required to pro-  tional programs, such as those in liberal arts, because
          vide competency-based education and are monitored   of the renewed focus by the Obama administration and
          according to various objectives in the relevant standards   the 2013 policy agenda “Making College Affordable:
          for accreditation (see Table).                     A Better Agenda for the Middle Class.”  The agenda
            A competency-based curriculum allows for effective   strives to better align didactic curricula to real-world
          student learning by providing a knowledge foundation   experiences—mostly for programs without internships,
          prior to the performance of procedures. Continual   clinical education, or practicums—so students better
          refinement of the competencies achieved is necessary so   understand why the classroom experience is valuable.
          students can demonstrate enhanced performance in a   The information is not simply something they memo-
          variety of situations and patient conditions. In essence,   rize for an exam and never use in the workforce.

          RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, March/April 2015, Volume 86, Number 4                                    445
          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2019. All rights reserved.
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