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          Competency-Based Education: A Brief Overview

           JRCERT Standards and Objectives That Address Competency 2-4
           Objective    Description                                Explanation
           Standard 1   R, MR, RT – provides timely, appropriate, and educationally  Students must have sufficient access to clinical
           Objective 1.3  valid clinical experiences for each admitted student.  settings that provide a wide range of procedures for
                                                                   competency achievement.
           Standard 3   R, MR, RT – provides a well-structured competency-  A competency-based curriculum allows for effective
           Objective 3.2  based curriculum that prepares students to practice in the   student learning by providing a knowledge
                        professional discipline.                   foundation prior to performance of procedures.
                                                                   Continual refinement of the competencies achieved is
                                                                   necessary so that students can demonstrate enhanced
                                                                   performance in a variety of situations and patient
                                                                   conditions. In essence, competency-based education is
                                                                   an ongoing process, not an end product.
           Standard 4   R, MR – assures that medical imaging/MR procedures   Direct supervision assures patient safety and proper
           Objective 4.4  are performed under the direct supervision of a qualified   educational practices. An appropriately qualified
                        radiographer/MR technologist until a student achieves   practitioner who is physically present during the
                        competency.                                conduct of the procedure provides direct supervision.
                        RT – assures that all radiation therapy procedures are
                        performed under the direct supervision of a qualified
           Standard 4   R, MR – assures that medical imaging/MR procedures are   Indirect supervision is provided by an appropriately
           Objective 4.5 a  performed under the indirect supervision of a qualified   qualified practitioner who is immediately available
                        radiographer/MR technologist after a student achieves   to assist students regardless of the level of student
                        competency.                                achievement.
           Standard 5   R, MR, RT – develops an assessment plan that, at a   Assessment is the systematic collection, review, and use
           Objective 5.1  minimum, measures the program’s student learning   of information to improve student learning and educa-
                        outcomes in relation to the following goals: clinical   tional quality. This provides program faculty the oppor-
                        competence, critical thinking, professionalism, and   tunity to evaluate students’ level of competence and
                        communication skills.                      make revisions to the program’s curriculum as needed.
           Abbreviations: MR, magnetic resonance; R, radiography; RT, radiation therapy.
           a  Not applicable for radiation therapy.

            Competency-based education has 2 major attri-    need to succeed as entry-level practitioners. The
          butes that increase student success. The first attribute   importance of advisory groups and related communi-
          is that it aligns the educational process toward dem-  ties of interest cannot be overemphasized because the
          onstrated mastery of the application of knowledge and   individuals who comprise such groups are the most
          skills in the clinical environment. Beyond memorizing   knowledgeable about current and future clinical skills
          rote facts for a single term or course, students must   requirements. Advisory groups are part of educational
          build upon the cognitive knowledge and apply it to the   programs, and members meet periodically to provide
          laboratory setting and, ultimately, the clinical envi-  guidance on the program and include feedback on
          ronment. This in turn decreases the gap between aca-  program effectiveness, assessment outcomes, and cur-
          demia and the workplace, resulting in a better under-  riculum. Advisory group members typically include
          standing of the knowledge and skills that students   employers, educators, clinical staff, graduates, and

          446                                                 RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, March/April 2015, Volume 86, Number 4
          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2019. All rights reserved.
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