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          Best Practices for Virtual Education

          Mahsa Dehghanpour, EdD, CMD

             n response to COVID-19, many allied health pro-  clinical education from the perspective of clinical men-
             grams began offering virtual didactic and clinical   tors.  Most medical dosimetry students were engaged
             education. Dehghanpour and Baker conducted      with a variety of patients, problems, and clinical expe-
         Iresearch to explore the effectiveness of virtual edu-  riences, and completed a sufficient number of direct
          cation in the discipline of medical dosimetry.  Although   patient observations during hybrid or virtual clinical
          the pandemic certainly created many challenges, there   education. Mentors recommended that students be
          were some positive apsects. Some of the constructive   proactive, reduce distractions during virtual clinics,
          aspects of remote didactic education included time flex-  and communicate effectively and frequently with men-
          ibility, recorded lectures, communication with peers   tors.  Mentors also suggested techniques to improve the
          and mentors, and reduced commutes, while some nega-  quality of virtual clinical education, including effective
          tive aspects included connectivity issues, reduced per-  communication, student engagement, timely feedback,
          sonal motivation and participation, and the inability to   and replication of in-person experiences. 2
          ask questions in person.  Virtual clinical education had
          similar positive aspects, such as remote access to soft-  Strategies for Didactic Education
          ware and working at one’s own pace, but negative      Effective virtual didactic education requires a
          aspects included lack of patient interaction, less clinical   thoughtful and strategic approach to ensure that learn-
          time, and the inability to perform certain activities.    ers can acquire knowledge, skills, and competencies
            To improve students’ learning outcomes, programs   through digital learning platforms. In virtual didactic
          should incorporate engaging teaching strategies into   education, presenting content in a structured and well-
          their remote teaching practices, such as synchronous lec-  organized manner is crucial for effective learning. This
          tures, virtual office hours, small group discussions, and   structure can assist learners in understanding the flow of
          recorded presentations.  Small group discussions using   the material and increases retention of the information.
          virtual breakout rooms engage students in their own   Interactive learning also is important, allowing learners
          learning, improve motivation, and increase retention of   to engage with the material, ask questions, and partici-
          information.  Virtual office hours offer opportunities for   pate in discussions. Using webcams during synchronous
          students to ask questions and clarify misconceptions.   virtual classes can help establish a better connection
          For clinical education, programs should provide remote   between the instructor and students. Technology-based
          access to software and mentors, schedule introductory   tools, such as virtual whiteboards, online quizzes, and
          meetings for students to understand expectations, edu-  simulations, can enhance the learning experience by
          cate mentors on communication tools, and use screen   making it more engaging, motivating, and interactive.
          sharing and virtual meetings to review cases and provide   Fostering social interaction among learners through
          feedback. Exposure to face-to-face clinical education also   collaborative activities can create a sense of community
          is important for procedures that require physical pres-  and provide opportunities for peer-to-peer learning and
          ence and interaction with the radiation oncology team.   1  feedback.  Regular assessment through online quizzes,
            A research study conducted by Baker and          assignments, or other tools is crucial. Software such as
          Dehghanpour explored the effectiveness of virtual   the LockDown Browser (Respondus, Inc) can be used

          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2023. All rights reserved.
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