Page 20 - JRCERT Update Articles
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          preceptors and staff? What is the frequency of commu-  3.   Standards for an accredited educational program in radiog-
          nication? Secondly, what resources will be required to   raphy. Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic
          remain operational? Will alternate technology need to   Technology. Updated August 11, 2021. Accessed January 12,
          be used? Do faculty and students require an orientation   ments/Resources/accreditation-standards-2021_updated/
          to supplemental or new technology?                     Radiography/mobile/index.html
            The next critical action is to prioritize and docu-
          ment specific steps in the contingency plan based on
          potential risk level. It is imperative to be as descrip-
          tive as possible; include information such as names of
          individuals, modes and frequency of communications,
          and resources needed. When these elements are in
          place, conduct a run-through with program faculty and
          students to determine where revisions might be neces-
          sary. It is essential that all program officials and faculty
          are aware of the contingency plan if it ever needs to be
          implemented. Finally, the contingency plan, just like
          the strategic plan, is a fluid document, and it is impera-
          tive to review it periodically to assure accuracy and
          relevancy. If the contingency plan does have to be used,
          programs might incorporate revisions based on the
          actual experience.

            Educational programs must be prepared for the
          unexpected. Having a backup plan is best practice
          for recovering and returning to daily program
          operations. No matter the event, programs should
          maintain a current contingency plan that assures
          continuity and efficacy with student learning.

              For an example of a contingency plan, visit

            Leslie Winter, MS, R.T.(R), serves as chief executive
          officer for the Joint Review Committee on Education in
          Radiologic Technology.
          1.   Importance of having a contingency plan. Krieg DeVault LLP.
              Published May 23, 2018. Accessed January 12, 2022. https://
          2.   An overview of business contingency plans. Lucidchart.
              Accessed January 12, 2022.

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