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          to proctor students. In addition, providing regular and   example, Standard 3, Objective 3.2 of the 2021 JRCERT
          timely feedback is essential to help learners identify   Standards require that clinical education be supervised
          areas for improvement and work toward achieving their   by qualified clinical preceptors who have the appropriate
          learning goals. 1                                  education, experience, and credentials to teach clinical
                                                             courses.  Medical dosimetry programs providing virtual
          Strategies for Clinical Education                  clinical education must comply with supervision stan-
            There are specific measures program officials might   dards such as Standard 5, Objectives 5.3 and 5.4 of the
          include to ensure successful clinical experiences for stu-  2021 JRCERT Standards.  For virtual clinical education
          dents. Conducting a clinical orientation on the first day   that can be provided by medical dosimetry programs
          of the rotation can be important. This orientation might   only, clinical preceptors and staff can use platforms
          include introducing students to the team, setting expec-  such as Zoom and Teams to supervise students while
          tations, and sharing clinical documents, schedules, and   they are performing their competencies and to review
          preferred communication methods.  To facilitate daily   and approve students’ work before it is implemented. In
          communication between students and mentors, vari-  addition, Standard 4 of the 2021 JRCERT Standards
          ous instant messaging platforms such as Zoom (Zoom   addesses curriculum and academic practices, including
          Video Communications, Inc), and Teams (Microsoft   objectives addressing the quality of educational pro-
          Coporation) could be used.                         grams, regardless of mode of delivery. 3
            In addition, providing learners with virtual simula-
          tions and software needed to simulate realistic clinical   Conclusion
          experiences in a safe environment is vital. Access to   Educators and clinical mentors have a crucial role
          real cases incorporating computed tomography and   in students’ success in virtual learning environments.
          magnetic resonance imaging also can assist students in   Because of the education challenges created by the
          gaining insights into radiologic decision-making and   ongoing pandemic and the accessibility of technol-
          understanding the clinical context. Regular and timely   ogy, virtual education has become an integral part of
          feedback on their clinical work and simulated case stud-  radiologic sciences programs. To ensure a seamless
          ies should be provided through interactive discussions   learning experience, regular communication, prompt
          rather than through email, using screen-sharing func-  feedback, technical support, instructional resources,
          tions to review the cases. Technical support also should   varied assessment methods, and in-person clinical times
          be available to address issues that might arise during the   are necessary. Effectively implementing these strategies
          learning process. Providing instructional resources such   can lead to successful learning outcomes for students.
          as recorded videos, educational games, and interactive   Educators and clinical mentors must continue to adapt
          quizzes can improve students’ understanding of radio-  to the virtual learning environment to provide the best
          logic science concepts and theories. In-person clinical   possible education for future health care professionals.
          time should be scheduled for activities that cannot be
          conducted virtually. 1
                                                                Mahsa Dehghanpour, EdD, CMD, serves as first vice
          Standards Regarding Distance Education             chair for the Joint Review Committee on Education in
            The Joint Review Committee on Education in       Radiologic Technology board of directors and is professor
          Radiologic Technology (JRCERT) has established stan-  and medical dosimetry program director for The University
          dards for distance education in radiologic technology   of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston.
          programs.  These standards are designed to ensure that
          students receive quality didactic and clinical education   References
          that meets or exceeds the needs of the profession and the   1.   Dehghanpour M, Baker J. The impact of COVID-19 on medical
                                                                 dosimetry education: students’ perception on the effectiveness
          expectations of employers. These standards should be   of program’s immediate response. Med Dosim. 2022;47(2):123-
          followed by programs offering distance education. For   128. doi:10.1016/j.meddos.2021.11.001

          RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, July/August 2023, Volume 94, Number 6                                    477
          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2023. All rights reserved.
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