Page 80 - Radiography Flipbook
P. 80

mathematical equations continue to be an issue for students.  As noted above, the
                                                 program will work with the General Education Department to ensure that the
                                                 program is requiring the most beneficial algebra course.
                                                 Mission Statement – The program mission statement was reviewed.  No issues
          VIII.   Assessment Plan Review         were identified and the statement continues to be consistent with the program’s
                                                 offerings and in alignment with the College’s mission.

                                                 Goals – The goals were reviewed.  The program revised the goals last year and the
               This section of the meeting minutes   Committee felt that the goals were still applicable.
             document discussion of the program’s
             mission statement and goals.        Assessment Plan – The following revisions to the assessment plan were made:
             Additionally, it documents a review of   •   Increased benchmark for Positioning Skills under Clinical Competence to
             the assessment plan. Note there were       3.6/4.0 (current benchmark is 3.5).  The committee felt that an increase was
             two changes to the assessment plan for     necessary as the program has met this benchmark for the past two years.
             the next cycle. This documentation         The program will continue to use the current tool but may consider an
             provides evidence for Objectives 4.1       alternate or additional method of assessing positioning skills in the future.
             and 6.5.                                •   Added SLO under Communication.
                                                     •   Reviews of the assessment methods show a good mix of direct/indirect
                                                        tools.  Timeframes seem appropriate.
                                                     All faculty will be participating in an assessment research day at the university to
                                                 learn more about current
                                                                      practices in the assessment literature and practices.

          IX.    Additional Comments             The faculty expressed their continued appreciation for the support from the Clinical
                                                 Preceptors and staff technologists at the clinical sites.
          X.          Adjournment                2:50 p.m.  The next meeting will be scheduled for July.  Time and day will be
                                                 announced in May.

        Revised – January 2020
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