Page 82 - Radiography Flipbook
P. 82

Curriculum Map Template

                                            Including Student Learning Outcomes

                             Goal 1: Students will        Goal 2: Students will        Goal 3: Students will exhibit
                              demonstrate clinical       communicate effectively.         critical thinking skills.

                                                                                       SLO 3.1:
                                         SLO 1.2:                                     Students will   SLO 3.2:
                             SLO 1.1:    Students                        SLO 2.2:        adjust      Students will
                           Students will   will       SLO 2.1: Students   Students    radiographic      adapt
                              obtain     perform      will communicate   will obtain   positioning to   radiographic
                            diagnostic   radiation     effectively in the   accurate     obtain     procedures for
                           radiographs.   safety       clinical setting.   patient     acceptable    non-routine
                                         practices.                      histories.    diagnostic     situations.

     Program Courses
                                       I             I                 I,  D, F
       *Intro to LXMO

                          I, R, D, F   I, D, F       I, D, F (Clinical   I           I            I
                          (Clinical    (Clinical     Affective Evaluation
          #Clinical I     Affective    Affective     Q9)
                          Evaluation   Evaluation
                          Q8)          Q10)

                          I, IN, F (Lab  I           I/R               I/R           I, R, D, F   I/R
                          Practical Final                                            (Case
      *LXMO Procedures
                          Score)                                                     scenarios

                          I            I                                                          I, D, F (Lab
        *Radiographic                                                                             Practical Score)

      ^Radiobiology and                R/M
       Radiation Safety

                                       M                                                          M, D, S (Lab
      ^Image Production                                                                           Practical Score)
        and Evaluation
   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87