Page 77 - Radiography Flipbook
P. 77

(on a 10-
                                                      point scale)

         Analysis – To include key findings, 3-5 year trending comparisons, steps to take to enhance student learning:
         Critical Thinking Goal, SLO 1:  It is noted that the non-routine positioning data was slightly lower this year.  It
         could be an anomaly; however, a new faculty member was recently hired and they implemented changes to the
         lab. The slight decrease could be a result of students adjusting to the change in teaching methods.  The
         discussion also included concerns that these students seemed a little more intimidated with non-routine exams.
         This will continue to be assessed to determine improvement as well as not a continual downward trend.
         SLO 2:  The second semester students did not meet the benchmark.  It is interesting to note that the first
         semester students exceeded expectations in this area while the second semester students did not.  Feedback
         from the students and input from the clinical preceptors indicate that more image critique sessions might be

         Action Plan based on Analysis:
         SLO 1:  Based on the discussion points, we will add more hands-on non-routine examination lab practice with
         smaller groups so every student has more one-on-one practice time and then reassess next year.
         SLO 2:  We will implement image critique into each class session of the Image Critique course.  It will include
         instructor presentations along with student presentations.  In addition, the students will be required to complete
         3 image critiques per semester as part of the clinical grade.  The clinical preceptors will review the critiques
         with the students based on the mentoring/training and rubric from the clinical coordinator to ensure all the
         clinical preceptors and staff understand the expectations for the reviews prior to implementation.  We will
         reassess the changes and the impact on the students’ skill level.

         Results/Improvement(s) noted based on the action plans that were implemented:
         SLO 1:  Based on feedback from the students and the clinical preceptors, the one-on-one extra practice time
         seemed to improve the students’ confidence levels and there was a noticed improvement in their non-routine
         positioning skill levels.  We will continue to keep the smaller groups and the extra practice time since there
         was such a noticeable improvement.
         SLO 2:  There has been a slight improvement in this area with the students.  However, it did not have the
         impact that was hoped for.  We will consider additional methods for improving student skills in this area.  One
         idea that came from our discussions with the advisory board members was to have the second semester
         students give image critique presentations to the first semester students.  They may put more effort into their
         presentations and it may benefit them to have to lead the instruction/teach it.  We will implement this in 2022
         and reassess its impact.

         Re-evaluation Date:  Fall 2023 at the next assessment committee meeting.
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