Page 72 - Medical Dosimetry Flipbook
P. 72

Goal I, SLO 2: The results for the second-year students for 2021 did not meet the benchmark of 9.0, but was extremely close with a
         score of 8.9. These are very positive since the action plans were implemented in 2016. Review of the first-year student data show the
         data consistently exceeding the benchmark, so the benchmark should be increased to 8.5 from 8.0. This will be implemented fall 2023
         with the new incoming students and will continue to be evaluated.

         Action Plan based on Analysis:  Increase the benchmark for Goal I, SLO 2 for the first-year students to 8.5 from 8.0.
         Re-evaluation Date: Fall 2022 at the next assessment committee meeting.

         Results/Improvement(s) noted based on the action plans that were implemented: Goal I, SLO 2 for the first-year students
         continues to exceed the benchmark, with the exception of 2016 and 2017 results. It was reiterated that in 2016, a new process for
         evaluating students was implemented. Supervising dosimetrists and clinical preceptors attended a workshop where the laboratory
         evaluation and competency form was discussed and updated. Workshops occur so the laboratory environment simulates the treatment
         environment; faculty evaluators are grading consistently and providing constructive feedback to the students immediately. Students are
         required to have a minimum of three completions of a treatment procedure before performing a competency examination.

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