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Board of Directors Update

                A Note from                     The JRCERT Board of Directors met in Chicago on October 27, 2023 for their biannual
                the Finance                     meeting. The Board discussed many important issues and took accreditation actions on
                                                numerous programs. A summary of the October 2023 Board Meeting can be found here.
                                                At the conclusion of the April 2024 Board Meeting, Tracy Herrmann, Ph.D., R.T.(R), FAEIRS
                                                and Meredith Brown, M.S., R.T.(R) will conclude their terms as directors on the JRCERT
               As previously announced, a       Board. The directors and staff thank Dr. Herrmann and Ms. Brown for their dedication to the
               new fee schedule was             organization.

               implemented effective January
                                                Additionally, at the conclusion of the April 2024 Board Meeting, Kelli Haynes, Ed.D., R.T.(R)
               1, 2024. The new fee schedule    and Leslie Kendrick, M.S., R.T.(R)(MR)(CT) will be installed as directors on the JRCERT Board
               can be found here or by clicking   of Directors. Dr. Haynes was nominated by AEIRS and is currently the Director of the School
                                                of Allied Health at Northwestern State University in Shreveport, LA. Leslie Kendrick, M.S.,
               on the Program Resources
                                                R.T.(R)(MR)(CT) was nominated by ACERT and is currently a faculty member at Boise State
               section under the Program        University in Boise, ID.
               Faculty tab of the JRCERT
               website. Please be sure to
               review the new fee schedule
               for changes to annual fees,
               application fees for continuing
               accreditation, fixed site visitor
               fees, and transfer of
               sponsorship fees.

               2024 Annual Fee invoices were
               emailed to program director
               email addresses in late-
               November 2023. Payments are
                                                             Back row: Shellie Warino, Karen Friedberg, Judy Wood
               due by March 1, 2024. Please              Front row: Second Vice Chair Kae Fleming, Chair Tracy Herrmann,
               note that annual certificates of        First Vice Chair Mahsa Dehghanpour, Secretary/Treasurer Chad Hensley
                                                                Not pictured: Meredith Brown, Melissa Davis
               accreditation will no longer be
               physically mailed. Upon posting
               of annual fee payments,          Standards Interpretation Update
               programs will receive an
                                                At the October 2023 Board Meeting, the JRCERT Board of Directors adopted a Standards
               electronic certificate of
                                                Interpretation of Objective 1.1 in all modalities. Programs are advised that if they offer any
               accreditation for 2024.          courses via Distance Education, to promote transparency, they must disclose on their
                                                website the use of distance education courses in the professional curriculum.

               If you have any questions about
                                                The Interpretation may be found here, and the Standards documents may be accessed from
               fees, please contact Teresa      here.
               Cruz at

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