Page 20 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
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Annual Reports

               New Programs                   It is that time of year again! The JRCERT will  be distributing information regarding the 2022

                                              Program Annual Report in the second week of July. This year’s reporting process will be very
                                              similar to last year’s. Radiography, radiation therapy, and magnetic resonance  programs are
               The JRCERT has awarded initial
                                              reminded  that  they  must  submit  a  copy  of  the  Candidate  Exam  Results  report  from  the
               accreditation to the following
                                              American  Registry  of  Radiologic  Technologists  (ARRT)  using  the  graduation  date  range  of
               programs since the last Pulse
                                              1/2018  –  12/2022.  Medical  dosimetry  programs  must  submit  the  Medical  Dosimetrist
               newsletter. The sponsoring
                                              Certification Board (MDCB) reports from 2018-2022, indicating the number of graduates who
               institutions and programs are
                                              passed on the first attempt during each year of this period. Additionally, all programs will be
               commended for their hard
                                              required  to  submit  a  completed  representative  sample  of  documentation  that  reflects
               work in obtaining initial
                                              employment verification for students graduating during 2022. Resources to help complete the
               accreditation. If sponsoring
                                              2022 Program Annual Report will be available on the JRCERT website soon.
               institutions or programs are
               interested in JRCERT
                                              The completed 2022 Program Annual report will be due October 6, 2023 for programs whose
               accreditation, please contact
                                              final  2022  class  graduation  was  between  January  1  and  September  30,  2022.  For  programs
               the JRCERT or learn about the   whose final 2022 class graduation was between October 1 and December 31, 2022, the 2022
               accreditation process here.
                                              Program Annual Report will be due January 12, 2024. The JRCERT thanks its programs for taking
                                              the time to complete the 2022 Program Annual Report, and, as always, we are here to help
               Bellin College                 should you need any assistance.
               Green Bay, WI
               Radiation Therapy              Guidance for Programs in MR Safety Education

               Schoolcraft College
               Livonia, MI                    The JRCERT is pleased to announce that a free module is now available for all program officials.
               Radiography                    This  brief  module  will  provide  guidelines  for  program  officials  when  providing  Magnetic
                                              Resonance (MR) safety for their students and the public. It incorporates some of the American
               Southeastern College -         College  of  Radiology  (ACR)  guidelines  as  they  are  referred  to  in  the  JRCERT  Standards  for
               Columbia Campus                Accredited Educational Programs to utilize, if they so choose. Programs are not required to use
               Columbia, SC                   the guideline topics for MR safety training for their students since it is merely an additional
               Radiography                    resource  and  programs  are  encouraged  to  utilize  the ACR  Manual  for  MR  Safety as  well  as
                                              policies and procedures established by their clinical settings.
               Southeastern College - North
               Charleston Campus              The  module  is  available  under  the  Program  Resources  page  of  the  Program  Faculty  or  by
               N. Charleston, SC              clicking this link.

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