Page 18 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
P. 18

AMS Portal Changes

                Staff                           You spoke and we  listened. The  JRCERT Information Technology staff continually look for
                Availability                    ways to improve the Accreditation Management System (AMS) Portal for program directors.
                                                One improvement made this month to the AMS Portal relates to clinical settings. In the past,
                                                there  has  been  some  confusion  regarding  the  status  of  new  clinical  settings.  The  terms
               Since the onset of the COVID-    “Pending” and “Pending Complete” have been replaced with “Draft” and “Submitted.” This
                                                makes it easier to see if a new setting is still being worked on in the portal or if it has been
               19 pandemic in March 2020,       submitted to the JRCERT for approval. Once the setting has been reviewed, the status will
               the JRCERT staff has primarily   then show “Approved.”

               worked remotely. Staff
                                                Also,  we  made  it  easier  to  navigate  clinical  settings  by  allowing  you  to  click  on  the  tabs
               continue to work diligently to   which take you to each page (General/Documentation/Personnel/Summary). The summary
                                                page  has  been  added  to  notify  you  when  something  is  incorrect  or  missing  before
               ensure the accreditation
                                                submission. Once everything is correct, the submit  button on the summary screen allows
               process occurs in a proper       you to send it to the JRCERT for review.
               manner and any
                                                Board of Directors Update
               correspondence is responded
               to in a timely fashion.
                                                The JRCERT Board of Directors met at the JRCERT office in Chicago in mid-April for their
                                                biannual meeting. The JRCERT Board continued to discuss many important issues and took
               Please understand that
                                                accreditation actions on numerous programs. A summary of the April 2023 Board Meeting
               individual staff availability can   can be found here.
               differ from hour to hour based
                                                At the conclusion of the meeting, Julie Lasley, Ph.D., R.T.(R)(T) and Lisa Schmidt, Ph.D, R.T.
               on other obligations. Staff will
                                                (R)(M), CRT concluded their six-year terms as directors on the JRCERT Board. The directors
               respond to most emails and       and staff thank Dr. Lasley and Dr. Schmidt for their dedication to the organization and wish
                                                them success in their future endeavors. Additionally, at the conclusion of the meeting,
               phone calls within 24-48 hours,
                                                Shellie Warino, M.Ed., R.T.(R)(T) was installed as a director on the JRCERT Board of Directors.
               although this timeframe may      Ms. Warino was nominated by the ASRT and is currently the program director for the Kent
               be longer if staff are out-of-   State University/Salem Campus radiation therapy program in Salem, OH.

               office. If you receive a
                                                The Board also appointed a new Executive Committee: Tracy L. Herrmann, Ph.D., R.T.(R),
               voicemail, please be sure to     FAEIRS is the Chair; Mahsa Dehghanpour, Ed.D., CMD is First Vice Chair; Kae Fleming, Ed.D.,
               leave your name, program         R.T.(R) is Second Vice Chair; and Chad N. Hensley, III, Ph.D., R.T.(R)(MR) remains Secretary/
               number, a return number, and

               the reason for your call.        The JRCERT is seeking nominations from AEIRS and ACERT to fill two expected open
                                                positions on the Board at the conclusion of the April 2024 Meeting. If you are interested or
                                                know of an interested individual, please reach out to the corresponding organizations or
               Thank you for your
                                                Leslie Winter for more information.
               understanding as we continue
               to strive to provide prompt and
               accurate responses to your
               questions and concerns.

               2  2                                               JRCERT Executive Committee 2023-2024
                                                             Second Vice Chair Kae Fleming, Chair Tracy Herrmann,
                                                       First Vice Chair Mahsa Dehghanpour, Secretary/Treasurer Chad Hensley
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