Page 23 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
P. 23

Self-Study Complete! Now What?

                                              Expectations for a Successful Site Visit

                                              The continuing accreditation process requires the submission of a self-study report to the
                                              JRCERT; the program will receive correspondence that identifies the due date of the self-study
                                              and the anticipated site visit date. Once the self-study is submitted to the JRCERT through the
                                              accreditation management system, the self-study is reviewed by professional staff.
                                              Following the staff review, the program may be asked to provide additional information.  Once
                                              the office has all the necessary information, our Accreditation Services Team will contact the
                                              program to schedule the upcoming site visit. The program will be asked to complete a Site Visit
                                              Scheduling Form. This form gathers information related to the program’s clinical settings,
                                              nearby airports, and requests the program to provide potential site visit dates within a
                                              specified time period.  It is important to note that the JRCERT conducts two-day site visits that
              Site Visits are scheduled as either   are scheduled for either a Monday/Tuesday or a Thursday/Friday visit.
              Monday - Tuesday or Thursday -  The JRCERT identifies an appropriately qualified site visit team and schedules the site visit.
              Fridays visits.                 Significant consideration is given in selecting the team, and the JRCERT ensures there are no
                                              real or perceived conflicts of interest. The program will have an opportunity to approve or deny
                                              the identified team for any reason. Once the program accepts the team, an assignment letter is
                                              sent to the program and the site visit team identifying the specifications of the site visit.

                                              The site visit team chair and the program director will be responsible for creating the agenda
                                              for the site visit. The program will provide the site visit team with a list of program officials,
                                              faculty, and instructors and identify which of the individuals will be available during the site
                                              visit. Arrangements can be made at this time to accommodate individuals that may need to
                                              meet virtually if an in-person visit is not possible. The program must assure that
                                              representatives from the sponsoring institution (i.e., administration, student services, academic
                                              advisors), clinical settings (i.e., clinical preceptors, radiology administrators), and all currently
                                              enrolled students of the program are available for interviews with the team. The Site Visit
                                              Agenda Templates can be found here:
                                              You may wish to consider the following when preparing for the site visit to ensure all necessary
                                              resources are available to the site visit team: transportation to and from the airport,
                                              transportation to the clinical settings, a private workspace for the team, Wi-Fi access, and
              The size of the program and/or   availability for working lunches. The program/sponsoring institution is also responsible for
              the number of clinical settings   booking and providing hotel rooms with Wi-Fi access for the site visitors.  Each site visitor
              determine if a 2-person or 3-   requires their own separate room, and if a third night is necessary due to flight schedules, the
              person team is needed.          additional night is also the responsibility of the program/sponsoring institution. The JRCERT
                                              also has a published Site Visit Checklist to help assure all parties have a clear understanding of
                                              the expectations of a successful site visit.
                                              You can expect highly professional and appropriately credentialed fellow educators to perform
                                              a peer review of the program.  The site visitors are
                                              there to access compliance of the program with the
                                              JRCERT Standards for Accredited Educational
                                              Programs. Site visitors are held to high ethical
                                              principles and conduct site visits in a fair and
                                              unbiased manner. The site visit concludes with an
                                              exit summation with the program and administration
                                              that summarizes the program’s strengths, areas of
                                              programmatic improvement, and any objectives of
                                              non-compliance. The official Report of Findings (ROF)   The sponsoring institution’s CEO/
                                              is generated by professional staff and emailed to the   President must sign off on the
                                              program within 90 days.                 program’s response to the
                                                                                      Report of Findings.
                                              All programs, including those with no citations in the
              Transportation of the site visitors,
                                              ROF, have six weeks to respond to the ROF through the
              to and from the airport, is
                                              accreditation management system. Once the program responds through the system, an email
              arranged by the  program.
                                              will be sent to the CEO/President for an electronic signature. The program is then scheduled for
                                              consideration at the next available Board meeting. Programs are notified via email of the
                                              Board’s accreditation decision.
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