Page 36 - JRCERT Pulse Newsletters
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October 2021 Board of Directors Update

                                                The JRCERT Board of Directors met virtually on October 21, 2021 for their biannual meeting.
                                                The Board discussed many important issues and topics and took accreditation actions on
                                                numerous programs.  A summary of the October 2021 Board Meeting can be found here.
                                                At the conclusion of the October meeting, two new directors were installed.  The JRCERT is
                                                excited to welcome Melissa Davis, M.D., M.B.A  and Judith Wood, M.B.A., R.T.(R)(MR) to the
                                                Board of Directors.  Dr. Davis was nominated by the American College of Radiology (ACR)
                                                and is currently an Assistant Professor of Radiology and Imaging Sciences and Medical
                                                Director, Quality at Emory University School of Medicine, as well as an attending physician
                                                at Emory Healthcare in Atlanta, Georgia.  Dr. Davis brings leadership and clinical experience
                                                to the Board.  Ms. Wood was nominated by the Association for Medical Imaging
                                                Management (AHRA) and is currently the Administrative Director of Imaging Services at
                                                Stanford Health Care in Stanford, California.  Ms. Wood brings a plethora of experience as a
                Melissa Davis, M.D., M.B.A      healthcare administrator to the Board.  The organization is excited to welcome Dr. Davis and
                                                Ms. Wood and look forward to their valuable insight throughout their time on the Board.

                                                During its meeting, the Board elected a new public member.  Karen Friedberg, M.S., R.N.,
                                                OCN® was nominated to replace Ms. Beverly Felder, who will soon be concluding her six-
                                                year term as public member.  Ms. Friedberg will be installed at the conclusion of the April
                                                2022 Board of Directors meeting.

                                                The JRCERT would like to extend its congratulations to Mahsa Dehghanpour, Ed.D., CMD,
                                                Second Vice Chair of the JRCERT Board of Directors on being recognized by the American
                                                Association of Medical Dosimetrists (AAMD).  Dr. Dehghanpour received the 2021 AAMD
                                                Outstanding Achievement Award for being a successful educator and leader in the field of
                                                medical dosimetry.  The AAMD Outstanding Achievement Award is the highest award an
                                                individual can receive from the AAMD.
                                                The AAMD states: “Mahsa has been an active member and volunteer for the AAMD for al-
                                                most 20 years.  In her role as an active member and former co-chair of the Formal Education
                                                Committee, she has participated in the development and revisions of the AAMD Curriculum
                                                Guide for Medical Dosimetry Programs, participated in the mentorship program for students,
                                                organized and hosted the student gathering and educators’ meetings, and participated in
                                                numerous discussions about the education of medical dosimetry students.”
                Mahsa Dehghanpour, Ed.D.,       Congratulations Dr. Dehghanpour!

                                                Technology Updates

                                                Based on results from satisfaction surveys, the JRCERT has spent the last several months
                                                performing an upgrade to the Accreditation Management System (AMS) portal and JRCERT
                                                website.  The new portal will feature a streamlined, updated look, as well as improved and
                                                more intuitive functionality.  When the new portal is ready to launch, the current portal will
                                                be unavailable for about a week as data is migrated to the new portal.  All currently entered
                                                data will be saved during the migration.  Programs that have accreditation materials due
                                                during the time the portal is unavailable will be contacted separately by the JRCERT to
                                                discuss extensions to these due dates.  Please note that when the current portal is
                                                deactivated, the current link to the AMS portal will no longer be functional.  Once the new
                                                portal launches, a new link will be required to access the portal.  If you currently have the
                                                portal link bookmarked, you will need to update this link once the new portal launches.  Be
                                                sure to follow us on social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube) for the latest
               2  2                             updates regarding these exciting changes!
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