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          Student Learning Outcomes

          Bette Schans, PhD, R.T.(R), FASRT

                  ssessment of student learning is an in-depth
                  process. One of the most important aspects in                 Institution
                  the assessment process is the development of                  Program
          Astudent learning outcomes (SLOs). SLOs are
          integral to higher education for many reasons, but the                 Course
          most prominent reasons are related to institutional and
          program integrity, continuous improvement in teaching                   Class
          and learning, and accountability by evidence of student                Session
          learning.  This article discusses student learning assess-
          ment levels, tips for SLO development, and the differ-
          ence between SLOs and program effectiveness data.  Figure. Student learning assessment levels. © 2018 ASRT.

          Levels of Assessment
            Student learning assessment occurs at many levels,   Box
          from the institution down to an individual class session,   Student Learning Outcome Examples
          but the most important assessments for program faculty
          occur at the program and course levels (see Figure).   Program Level
          SLOs are defined as “statements that clearly state the   Upon completion of the program, students will be able to:
          expected knowledge, skills, attitudes, competencies,     communicate effectively while completing the patient his-
          and habits of mind that students are expected to acquire   tory in the clinical setting (aligns with communication pro-
          at an institution of higher education.”  General SLO   gram goal)
          characteristics can be described as specific to an insti-    demonstrate excellent patient care while preparing the
          tutional level or program level, clearly expressed and   patient for invasive procedures (aligns with clinical compe-
          understandable by multiple audiences, and aligned to   tency program goal)
          institutional and program goals. 2                  Course Level
            More specifically, program level SLOs should      Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
          describe what the students can do related to the pro-    differentiate a sign from a symptom when taking patient
          gram, and can be evaluated at various times in the
          program (eg, beginning, middle, or end); however,     history
          course level SLOs should be more defined and describe     properly prepare a sterile tray for an invasive procedure
          what the students can do after completing a specific
          course (see Box).
                                                             writing an outcome. Many faculty use the SMART
          Developing Student Learning Outcomes               (specific, measureable, achievable, realistic, and
            Whether developing a new course or program assess-  time-bound) method to develop goals and SLOs
          ment plan, faculty members need to be proficient in   (see Table 1).  Program or course SLOs should :

          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2019. All rights reserved.
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