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           Table 1
           Characteristics of SMART SLOs 3
           Criteria        Description
           Specific        States the specific knowledge, skills, and abilities students will be able to demonstrate.
           Measurable      Stated in quantifiable terms.
           Achievable      Addresses the question: Are students capable of acquiring the requisite knowledge, skills, and abilities in the des-
                           ignated timeframe?
           Realistic       Focuses on the relevant knowledge, skills, and abilities of which graduates of the program should be proficient.
           Time-Bound      States a timeframe for students to acquire and demonstrate acquisition of the requisite knowledge, skills, and
           Abbreviation: SLO, student learning outcome.
                 describe the broadest and most comprehensive  credentialing exam pass rates, job placement rates,
               goals of the course                           program completion rates, graduate satisfaction, and
                 focus on what a student should be able to do,  employer satisfaction. To assure transparency and
               think, or value with the knowledge covered, not  accountability, Standard Five, Objectives 5.2 and 5.3,
               what the instructor or course will cover      address program effectiveness data with the require-
                 have 3 to 7 outcomes for courses (fewer or more  ment of collecting and publishing the data. In addition,
               are possible) and 3 to 5 outcomes for programs to  accredited programs must analyze and share SLO data
               keep the assessment process from becoming cum-  and program effectiveness data to foster continuous
               bersome and unproductive                      program improvement. Table 2 identifies the JRCERT
                 employ active verbs taken from various levels of  Standards and Objectives associated with either SLOs
               Bloom’s taxonomy (eg, students should be able to  or program effectiveness data.  5
               define or describe early in the program and analyze  Submission of a program’s self-study or interim
               or evaluate later in the program)             report demonstrates Standard Five can be a trouble-
                 avoid ambiguous verbs such as learn, gain, or  some area. In fact, Standard Five, Objective 5.4,
               understand                                    generally is the most commonly cited objective in the
                 be written in intelligible language, understandable  Standards for an Accredited Educational Program.
               to students so that they are aware of expectations  The common errors associated with trying to address
                 be measurable                              Standard Five, specifically Objective 5.4, are:
                                                                    program faculty analyzing program effectiveness
          SLOs vs Program Effectiveness Data                      data and not SLO data
            An SLO describes how students are performing,           program officials sharing program effectiveness
          whereas program effectiveness data reflect how the      data only and not SLO data during an advisory
          program is performing. The Joint Review Committee       committee meeting or assessment committee
          on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT)          meeting
          requires accredited programs to develop an assess-        programs not adequately documenting the analy-
          ment plan that, at a minimum, measures the program’s    sis and sharing of the SLOs
          SLOs in relation to the following goals: clinical   A close analysis of SLOs is important to determine
          competence, critical thinking, professionalism, and   whether the curriculum is preparing students for suc-
          communication skills. This plan must include goals,   cess. If an advisory committee does not feel qualified
          SLOs, measurement tools, benchmarks, timeframes,   to discuss the results, an assessment committee could
          and parties responsible for data collection. Program   be developed with individuals who are better suited to
          effectiveness data that must be collected include   analyze topics of curricular design and assessment.

          RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY, January/February 2019, Volume 90, Number 3                               313
          Reprinted with permission from the American Society of Radiologic Technologists for educational purposes. ©2019. All rights reserved.
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